
This repository was created to put into practice the knowledge acquired in hacking courses at Escola de Hackers with master and mentor Marco Aurélio Thompson (one of the greatest and oldest hackers in Brazil), Guard Web, Tsinghua University, among other research on hacking on the Internet. The objective of the project was to present tips, basic tools to start the tests and searches in the hacking world using Windows command prompt technologies and the terminals and whatever the Linux version is, besides encompassing the concepts of: how to start in the hacking world. After all, there is no well-structured graphical interface in the hacking environment. It all starts at the terminal and ends at the terminal for an ethical hacker.

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Hacking Tips and Tools

Hacking Tips and Tools is a repository for the basics of hacking that every programmer in the world should know: Kali Tools

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⭐ Hacking Tips and Tools

GitHub License


Repository content:

  • Virtual machines and containers
  • Shell and scripting
  • Command-line environment
  • Data wrangling
  • Editors
  • Version control
  • Dotfiles and backups
  • Automation and machine introspection
  • Program introspection and package/dependency management
  • OS customization and Remote Machines
  • Web and browsers
  • Security and privacy

🚧 Repository content under construction

Hacking Tips and Tools is a repository to show as many summarized experiences as possible about hacking the full stack web and mobile application built and organized by Jony Peixoto.

The application consists of a search by Google and externally to other networks such as the Deep Web and associates about the hacking world, where data is collected in operating systems: Windows, Linux, mainly in applications of internal tools of the Linux system.

⚠️ Prerequisites

To use and test the presented tips and tools, you must have correctly installed and licensed the operating systems or similar mentioned below. You can follow the following article(PT-BR) to configure your environment or use a Google Translate browser extension(search for "google translate extension" and install it in your browser) to help you:

Mobile Linux Layout

Mobile 1 Mobile 2

More information

Desktop Linux Layout

Desktop 1 Desktop 2

More information

Desktop Prompt Command on Windows Layout


More information

🚀 Technologies

This project was developed according to my research with the following technologies:

ℹ️ How To Use

Windows or Linux

Pré-requisitos: Must have a device that runs the Linux operating system or using Windows prompt.


1) Open the search bar (Windows button) on your keyboard

2) Type prompt and run as administrator

3) Ready, now type the desired commands !

Windows prompt


Similarly, follow the same 3 steps above, open the terminal on Linux, especially on Kali Linux (shown in the screenshot below), you can choose between user mode or root mode (it works in the same way as running it as administrator on Windows).

Preferably, choose root mode to have all administrator privileges and be able to use all commands in the operating system.

Kali Linux


In user mode, "$" appears before every command you will type.

In root mode, "#" appears before every command you will type.

Commands on the Linux:

Basic Linux Navigation Commands:

  Bottom TAB help to auto-complete any name in yout prompt on the Ubuntu Linux

# Historical about the files on the Linux directory
$ ls  

# Open the file
$ cd (name file) 

# Comeback 1 file
$ cd .. 

# Create a file
$ mkdir

# Clear the prompt command
$ clear 

# Show all the historical commands used on the promt command
$ history 

# Restart the machine (PC, Notebook, etc)
$ reboot

# Turn off the machine (PC, Notebook, etc)
$ shutdown 

# Delete the file (name file)
$ rm -rf (name file)

# shows / types the last commands typed in the Prompt
$ CTRL + p 

Linux Commands:

# Updates only what is needed on Ubuntu Linux (security, etc)
$ apt-get update 

# Update everything on Ubuntu Linux
$ apt-get upgrade

# Remove what it is not necessary on Ubuntu Linux
$ apt-get autoremove 

# Install the (program name)
$ apt-get install (program name) 

Google Hacking:

* What is Google Hacking / Dorking?
* What is Open Source Intelligence?
* History
* Exploring its Techniques
* Benefits

* How Google Works?
* What are Crawlers?
* How do They Work?
* How Search Engine Works?
* What are Keywords?
* Recap

* Query Operator Structure
* Understaind a URL Structure(With QUery Parameters)
* Various Parts, Broken Down into Pieces
* Google Commands(tricks)

* Preventing Google Dorks
* Myths and Facts
* Conclusion


  • What is Google Hacking / Dorking?
  • What is Open Source Intelligence?
  • History
  • Exploring its Techniques
  • Benefits


  • What is Google Hacking / Dorking?

Google hacking, also named Google dorking, is a hacker technique that uses Google Search and other Google applications to find security holes in the configuration and computer code that websites are using.

Google Hacking = Google Dorking = OSINT = Open Source Intelligence

  • What is Open Source Intelligence? How is it used?

OSINT = Open Source Intelligence = is derived from data and information that is available to the general public.

It's not limited to what we find using Google, although the so-called SOPHIES Web is an important component.

  • History

The concept of Google hacking dates back to 2002 when Johnny began to collect Google search queries that uncovered vulnerable systems and sensitive information discloses labeling them as Google Docs.

The list of Google Docs grew in a large dictionary of queries, which were eventually organized in the original Google hacking database that is G.H. DBE in 2004.

Sometimes Google hacking referred to as Google talking, have been extended to other search engines such as Bing and Shodan.

Automated attaack tools use custom search dictionaries to find vulnerable systems and sensitive information disclosures in public systems that have been indexed by search engines.

  • Exploring its Techniques & Benefits

What is important understand?

Advanced Google searches used to find security loopholes on websites and allow hackers to break in to or disrupt the site. Google hacking is a computer hacking technique that uses Google Search and other Google applcations to find security holes in the configuration and computer code that websites use.

It's not hacking into Google servers!

It's just using Google search techniques to find exactly what we actually need.

  • Benefits

Benefits of Google dorks(Hacking):

Displays better attractive search results .

Easy to learn.

Shows hidden tricks and links as well.


  • How Google Works?
  • What are Crawlers?
  • How do They Work?
  • How Search Engine Works?
  • What are Keywords?
  • Recap


  • How Google Works?
  1. Query

  2. Google Web Server

  3. Index Servers: The web server send the query to the index servers. The content inside the index servers is similar to the index in the back of a book--it tells which pages contain the words that match any particular query term.

  4. Doc Servers: the query travels to the doc servers, which actually retrieve the stored documents. Snippets are generated to describe each search result.

  5. Google user: the search results are returned to the user in a fraction of a second.

  • What are Crawlers? How do They Work?
  1. Search engine
  2. Crawler
  3. mywebsite.com
  4. Website Contents
  5. Dictionary of content such as keywords & images is recorded by the Crawler
  6. Keywords: Apple, Banana, Pear
  7. The Crawler sends these keywords to the Search Engine to be stored for later search
  • How Search Engine Works? What are Keywords?

A user submits a query to search...

  1. User searches for "Pears"
  2. Search Engine indexes all crawled websites that has the keyword "Pears"
  3. anotherwebsite.com
  4. Website Contents
  5. Keywords: Apples, Bananas, Pears
  • Recap

Hacking Tips and Tools

Hacking Tips and Tools

  • What is SEO and how it helps in Google Hacking

SEO = Search Engine Optimization

Hacking Tips and Tools



  • Query Operator Structure
  • Understaind a URL Structure(With QUery Parameters)
  • Various Parts, Broken Down into Pieces
  • Google Commands(tricks)


  • Query Operator Structure

Hacking Tips and Tools

  • Understaind a URL Structure(With QUery Parameters)

Hacking Tips and Tools

  • Various Parts, Broken Down into Pieces

Hacking Tips and Tools

Hacking Tips and Tools

Hacking Tips and Tools

  • What are URL Parameters?

Hacking Tips and Tools

  • Google Commands(tricks)

Google allows the use of certain operators to help refine searches.

The use of advanced operators is very simple as long as attention is given to the syntax.

The basic format is: operator:search_term

Notice that there is no space between the operator, the colon and the search term.

If a space is used after a colon, Google will display an error message.

If a space is used before the colon, Google will use tour intended operator as a search term.


  • The Real World Practical GOOGLE Hacking
  • Preventing Google Dorks
  • Myths and Facts
  • Conclusion


  • The Real World Practical GOOGLE Hacking


It returns the websites of specified domains

Example: site:wikipedia.org

Hacking Tips and Tools


restricts the results to sites whose URL's contains specified phrase.

Example: inurl:adminlogin will return only those pages whose URL contains 'adminlogin'

Hacking Tips and Tools

Hacking Tips and Tools

Hacking Tips and Tools


If you start a query with [allinurt:], Google will restrict the results to those with all of the query words in the url.

For instance, [allinurl: google search] will return only documents that have both "google" and "search" in the url.

Hacking Tips and Tools

intitle If you include [intitle:] in your query, Google will restrict the results to documents containing that word in the title.

For instance, [intitle: google search] will return documents that mention thw word "google" in their title, and mention the word "search" anywhere in the document(title or no).

Note there can be no space between the "intitle:" and the following word.

Hacking Tips and Tools


only returns results that contain every work in the title.

Example: [allintitle: marketing strategy] The result will contain both marketing and strategy in title

Hacking Tips and Tools

Hacking Tips and Tools


Link will list webpages that have links to the specified webpage.

For instance, [link:udemy.com] will list webpages that have links pointing to the Google homepage.

Hacking Tips and Tools


A cache is a reserved storage location that collects temporary data to help websites, browsers, and apps load faster.

If you include other words in the query, Google will highlight those words within the cached document.

[cache:www.google.com web] will show Google's cache of the Google homepage.

Using Archive.org and searching about the webpage, you can see other versions of the website.

Hacking Tips and Tools

Hacking Tips and Tools

Hacking Tips and Tools

Hacking Tips and Tools

Hacking Tips and Tools

Filetype type is used to limit results to a specific file type.

For example, filetype:rtf galway will search for RTF files with the term "galwat" in them.

Hacking Tips and Tools

Hacking Tips and Tools

Hacking Tips and Tools


Find pages containing a certain word(or words) somewhere in the content

Example: intext:apple

Hacking Tips and Tools

intitle:"Index of"

Shows all results from the index of directory indexed by Google.

Hacking Tips and Tools

Hacking Tips and Tools

intitle:"Index of" config.php

Global folder contains a unique setting of your farm tools, installation, your database, connection

Hacking Tips and Tools

login: "password=" filetype:xls

These are all the Excel sheet with passwords of various assets, all companies or whatever.

Hacking Tips and Tools

Other Google search engine template styles:

Google Gravity


google:gravity and click the first link


Hacking Tips and Tools

Google Sphere


google:sphere and click the first link


Google Easter Eggs Official


google:mirror and click the first link


Google Terminal


google terminal and click the first link

Google Guitar


google guitar and click the first link

Google Zipper


google zipper and click the first link

  • Preventing Google Dorks

Hacking Tips and Tools

Hacking Tips and Tools

Hacking Tips and Tools

  • Myths and Facts

How do I avoid being a victim of Google hacking?

You can run a vulnerability scanner against your website or you can hire certified ethical hackers

What is the difference between Google hacking and hacking Google?

Google hacking means using Google to perform hacking activities.

Hacking google means finding vulnerabilities in Google services. There are security researches who find vulnerabilities in Google and claim bug bounty from Google.

What does Google hacking mean?

Google hacking means using Google to find files and pages that are not secure.

For example, if you have any insecure files or pages at Google, I mean, Google doc can find them very easily.

Does Google hacking work with other search engines?

Yes, specific queries of other search engines might be different.

How do I protect myselft against Google hacks?

Check fot dozens of others even more serious problems that may lead attackers, steal information or take over your websites.


More 500 Linux commands HERE: eBook with over 500 Linux commands

📝 License

This project is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE for more information.

🌟 Author

Made with ♥ by Jony Peixoto 👋 Get in touch!

Jony Peixoto Official Website


TikTok: Jony Tech @jonypeixoto

YouTube: Jony Peixoto

Twitch: Jony Peixoto