
a lexicographic sorting algorithm in python

Primary LanguagePython


  • Call lexicographicSort(strList, lexicoIndex) to start sorting
  • Arguments
    • strList: a list of string to sort. Assume that elements in this list contains only chars in lexicoIndex
    • lexicoIndex: a string. The function sorts in order of characters in this string.
      • For example, 'dcba' means that 'd' comes first, 'c' for the next, 'b', then 'a' in order.
      • '' comes first than any other strings
  • Return: a sorted list of strList in order of lexicoIndex
  • Example:
    • lexicographicSort(['c', '', 'dc', 'd'], 'dc') -> ['', 'd', 'dc', 'c']
  • Time complexity
    • building binary search tree: It depends on the height of the tree. The worst case would be a fully skewed tree, in which case complexity will be O(n), when n equals to the length of the strList. Or, best case would be complete binary tree with complexity of O(log n) I assume that length of lexicoIndex is relatively smaller than length of strList so that I can ignore. If not, complexity would increase at the comparison function (isGreaterThan()).
    • In-order traversal of the tree: It traverses all elements of the list, thus complexity is O(n), when n equals to the length of the strList.
    • Overall, the complexity is bounded in O(n).