Bunga Player

A video player allows users watching same video share progress.


Get all dependencies:

flutter pub get


flutter run


dart run bunga_player:deploy

Update assets

Generate app icon:

dart run flutter_launcher_icons

Fetch emojis:

dart run bunga_player:fetch_emojis

Implement of channel joining

Main principle:

Users watch same video should in same channel, and share things like watching progress, popmoji etc.

To implement principle above, channel id will generate accord video hash, so users watch same video will get same channel id.

Problems associated with replacing video

There's a feature allows user replace video in a channel. This will cause channel id and video hash no longer match, in other words, makes the channel "dirty".

To solve this problem, when user joining a channel that suppose to match a specific video hash, let's say local-AbC123, it will check channel local-AbC123 is dirty or not first -- join if it's clean, or local-AbC123__1, local-AbC123__2, ... until a clean one if it's dirty.


flowchart TD
    Screen -->|User Reaction| Actions
    Actions --> Services
    Services -->|Streams| Providers
    Providers-->|States| Screen
    Preferences -->|Init value| Providers