
无能的饭否 bot

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Copy right & License

The fanfouapi is licensed under MIT license (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
Copy right: fanfou.com 2011 - 2012
Author: zengke@fanfou.com

Installl fanfouapi
% cd contrib
% sudo python setup.py install

Run test project

% cd apitestprj

fill consumer key/secret by set FF_API_KEY and FF_API_SECRET in settings.py

Authenticate yourself
% python manage.py xauth <username>

copy the following example output to settings.py or local_settings.py

sync db (optional)
% python manage.py syncdb

run the server
% python manage.py runserver

goto http://localhost:8000 to access the project

Other interesting cookies
% python manage.py callapi statuses/home_timeline

List of django management commands

* xauth <username>
* oauth_pin
* callapi
* posturl