
A friendly wrapper around the Web Speech API (VoiceRecognition and VoiceSynthesis) for JavaScript.

Primary LanguageHaxeMIT LicenseMIT


A friendly wrapper around the Web Speech API (VoiceRecognition and VoiceSynthesis) for JavaScript.

The Web Speech API includes two main parts:

Vocally is an easy to use JavaScript API for interacting with both.





  • import vocally from 'vocally';

Making it speak

The basic API:

  • vocally.say('Hello!') - read a single string out loud
  • vocally.read(someElement) - read out all of the text in an element
  • vocally.pauseFor(3) - add a gap before saying the next thing
  • vocally.pause() - pause where you are at
  • vocally.resume() - resume from where you paused
  • vocally.togglePlaying() - pause or resume
  • vocally.onSpeak(utterance => console.log('we said', utterance)) - receive a callback every time a new "utterance" is spoken - useful for providing a visual alternative for those who prefer reading to listening.

You can chain these together:

	.say("Alright, let's read this article!")
	.onSpeak(utterance => textAlternative.innerText = utterance.text);

And helpers:

  • vocally.synthesis.getVoices(): Array<SpeechSynthesisVoice>
  • vocally.synthesis.getDefaultVoice(): SpeechSynthesisVoice

Making it listen

  • vocally.listenOnce(): Recognizer - listen for the first recognition result - suitable for a single short sentence, input or command.

  • vocally.listen(): Recognizer - keep transcribing until you tell it to stop.

  • vocally.listenFor(command) or vocally.listenFor([command1, command2, ...])

    Simple example:

      	  command: 'up',
      	  respondOnDraft: false, // execute even if it's a draft response
      	  handler: () => window.scrollTo(0, window.pageYOffset - 100)
      	  command: 'down',
      	  respondOnDraft: false, // execute even if it's a draft response
      	  handler: () => window.scrollTo(0, window.pageYOffset + 100)

    Your commands and alternatives are treated as regular expressions, so you can do wildcard matches:

      command: 'my name is (\w+)',
      alternatives: ['I am (\w+)', 'you can call me (\w+)'],
      handler: (matched) => {
      	// matched: { command: 'I am (\w+)', alternative: 'i am jason', matches: ['i am jason', 'jason'] }
      	let name = matched.wildcards[1];
      	vocally.say(`Hello ${name}`);
  • vocally.stopListening()


Project details

Getting support

Please open an issue on Github if you need help using Vocally.


I would love help in the following areas:

  • Creating documentation and examples
  • Pull requests - help us build the project!
  • Setting up continuous integration and cross-browser tests

If you're a junior developer and would like to contribute, but are not sure where to start - ask me, via email (jason@jasono.co) or by opening a Github issue to discuss.

The name

I chose the name because it's a relevant word that wasn't already taken (The first page of Google results for vocally js produced nothing to do with software at the time I chose it).

I also liked how I imagined the API methods would sound: vocally.say(), vocally.read(), vocally.listen().

Finally, I thought it was a node to the Accessibility community, which often uses the numeronym "a11y" (or "ally") as an abbreviation - because I had the idea for this project starting at the Perth Web Accessibility Camp in 2018, and I believe the biggest opportunity for this technology is to make the web inclusive to more people in more ways.

Other projects

Seemingly abandoned projects:


All code is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE.md

Code of conduct

I've set up a Code of Conduct, in the hope that if this project develops into a community, it is a great community to be part of. The code of conduct is based on the Contributor Covenent and you can read it here.

If you would like to raise an issue concerning somebody's conduct, please contact me directly via email: jason@jasono.co. If your issue is with me and you don't feel comfortable approaching me directly, please find someone you trust to approach me - I promise to listen and be responsive.