
javascript examples setups

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Skeletor is a Backbone.js template for a single-page app that uses CoffeeScript and Require.js.


  • nodejs
  • jitter
  • coffeescript
  • sass

How to get started

I assume you are using Linux, OSX or any compatitible operating system. If you are using Windows, you can stop reading now.

Get the source $ git clone https://github.com/joonask/skeletor.git

Setup web server root to point public/

Start compilers:

$ cd scripts
# Coffeescript compiler:
$ ./jitter.sh
# Sass compiler:
$ .sass-watcher.sh

Now you are ready to learn CoffeeScript. Point your web browser to http://you-decide-the-host/dev.html

Now start making changes to CoffeeScript/SASS files and you should see something happening in compiler.

Building an app with r.js optimizer

To build application to one javascript file. By default scripts/build.sh should work. It contains an example command to build require.js project.

$ cd scripts
$ ./build.sh

Now you can try if it worked by opening http://you-decide-the-host/index.html

See, index.html loads the built file created by r.js which is meant to use in production and dev.html is for developing.