Express server


  • response now time to client
  • response only 10 camping site data to client


make campsite CRUD / restful api

  • GET, /campsites - read all campsites
  • POST, /campsites - create a campsite
  • GET, /campsites/:id - read a specific campsite
  • PATCH, /campsites/:id - update a specific campsite
  • DELETE, /campsites/:id - delete a speicific campsite


make signup, login, logout api

  • POST, /users/signup - sign up
  • POST, /users/login - login
  • GET, /users/logout - logout

How to run this server

  1. Clone this project
$git clone
  1. Install package which it uses
$npm install
  1. Run the server
$node server

It needs mongodb

You can install mongodb server through Docker. (You should install Docker first)

$docker pull mongo
$docker run –name mongo -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=root -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=root -d -p 27017:27017 mongo