Pluralsight Read + Flux

Lifecycles in React

componentWillMount Before initial render, both client and server Good spot for setting initial state componentDidMount After render Access DOM, integrate with frameworks, set timers, AJAX requests componentWillReceiveProps When receiving new props. Not called on initial render Set state before a render shouldComponentUpdate Before render when new props or state are being received. Not called on initial render. Performance. Return false to void unnecessary re-renders. componentWillUpdate Immediately before rendering when new props or state are being received. Not called on initial render. Prepare for an update. componentDidUpdate After component's updates are flushed to the DOM. Not called for the initial render. Work with the DOM after an update. componentWillUnmount Immediately before component is removed from the DOM. Cleanup.

// key={} // add a key to dynamic childs

Component Types


  • Focus on how things work
  • Aware of Redux
  • Subscribe to Redux State
  • Dispatch Redux actions
  • Generated by react-redux


  • Focus on how things look
  • Unaware of Redux
  • Read data from props
  • Invoke callbacks on props
  • Written by hand


function mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) {
	return {appState: state.authorReducer};
export default connect(	// connect function used to connect component container to store
	mapStateToProps,	// specify the state you want to expose to component: returns object
	mapDispatchToProps	// specify the action you want to expose to component