
Open-source, cross-platform, game engine.(C++11/OpenGL/OpenAL)

Primary LanguageC++

  • 除去黑名单外,使用是免费的。包括所有商业和非商业环境,所有开源和闭源工程。但同样的,我们不会为出现的任何问题负责。

  • 对本工程的再开发或使用,必须有明确的名称标识。否则你将不会得到任何形式的支持,并被加入黑名单,即使你付费。

  • 源代码仓库: https://github.com/hyzboy/CMGameEngine

  • 官方网站: http://www.hyzgame.com.cn

  • 联系方式:

    • 电子邮箱:hyzboy (@) gmail.com
    • QQ/微信:324000607
  • 最低支持操作系统:Microsoft Windows 7/2008 R2 , Linux kernel 3.11,FreeBSD 8.0,macOS Hight Sierra

  • 最低支持编译器:GNU C/C++ 4.8 , LLVM Clang 3.8 , Microsoft Visual C++ 2015

  • 最低支持OpenGL: Core 3.3+DSA (HD5xxx/GTX4xx) 或 Core 4.5

  • except in blacklist, use is free. Includes all commercial and non-commercial environment, all open source and closed source project. But again, we are not responsible for any problems that arise.

  • Re the development or use of the project, the name must have a clear identity. Otherwise you will not get any kind of support,and was added to the blacklist,even if you pay.

  • Source repository: https://github.com/hyzboy/CMGameEngine

  • Offical Web (sorry,only chinese): http://www.hyzgame.com

  • Contact:

    • e-mail: hyzboy (@) gmail.com
    • QQ/WeChat: 324000607
  • Minimum supported OS: Microsoft Windows 7/2008 R2 , Linux kernel 3.11 , FreeBSD 8.0 , macOS High Sierra

  • Minimum supported compilers: GNU C/C++ 4.8 , LLVM CLang 3.8 , Microsoft Visual C++ 2015

  • Minimum supported OpenGL: Core 3.3+DSA (HD5xxx/GTX4xx) or Core 4.5