
Devshells using flakes with as little lines as possible

Primary LanguageNix

Easy DevShell Nix Flake

This flake provides simple yet somewhat configurable nix development shells. It provides functions to enable development shells. The goal is to only need one input for the flake.nix

The flake re-exports pkgs for example for python.

Currently supports:

  • Rust:
    • Build using crane
    • devshell
  • Pyhton:
    • devshell


This example creates a rust devShell with rust nightly.

  description = "Rust Dev Flake";

  inputs.easy.url = "github:jooooscha/easy-flake";

  outputs = { easy, ... }:
    easy.rust.x86_64-linux.env {
      nightly = true;

This example shows an example with pyhton

  description = "Python Dev Flake";

  inputs.easy.url = "github:jooooscha/easy-flake";

  outputs = { easy, ... }:
    easy.python.x86_64-linux.env {
      inputs = with easy.python.pkgs; [