
Project for visualizing Tekton Pipelines

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Project for visualizing Tekton Pipelines


  • collect and store code_source from the PipelineStatus's Results
  • map PipelineStatus to SupplyChain
    • do we need to use a Pipeline?
    • or do we match on code_source + path?
  • expose SupplyChain via GraphQL
  • expose PipelineStatus via GraphQL
  • create Vaadin frontend
    • show SupplyChain
    • show PipelineStatus
    • show PipelineStatus Results
  • have a watch on the Tekton resources
    • and send the data to a backend via RabbitMQ
  • map multiple PipelineStatus to a SupplyChain
    • e.g., when we have multiple PipelineStatus for the same code_source
  • add OTEL so we can trace all steps
  • figure out how we can trigger related pipelines (e.g., image scan) and link them to the same Supply Chain/System
    • can we trigger a pipeline with CloudEvents?
      • what are the Labels we get when it is triggered by a CloudEvent
      • can we emit a CloudEvent when a pipeline is done?
        • e.g., when we have a version, or when we publish an image
    • can we have Harbor emit a CloudEvent when a new image is pushed?
  • create first version of the Notifier backend
    • store notification settings
    • limit to Slack and Discord?


Support at least these messaging systems:

  • RabbitMQ
  • Kafka

Pipeline Status Metadata


  • REPO_URL - the URL of the repository, e.g., https://github.com/joostvdg/ingress-dns-export-controller.git
  • REPO_COMMIT- the commit of the repository, e.g., c0ffee
  • REPO_COMMIT_TIMESTAMP - the timestamp of the commit, e.g., f69dc94743452f0ef80904ab35b44bfb859ccf31
  • COMMIT_AUTHOR - the author of the commit, e.g., Joost van der Griendt
  • COMMIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL - the email of the author of the commit, e.g., me@example.com
  • COMMIT_MESSAGE - the message of the commit, e.g., Initial commit
  • COMMIT_TIMESTAMP - the timestamp of the commit, e.g., 2024-05-15T00:15:19+02:00
  • TRIGGER - the trigger of the pipeline, e.g., git (do we get info from Tekton Triggers?)


From a GitHub Event

  • dashboard.tekton.dev/rerunOf (example value: idec-image-builds-run-tqzgl-r-zklfm)
  • tekton.dev/pipeline (example value: idec-image-builds)
  • triggers.tekton.dev/eventlistener (example value: idec-image-builds)
  • triggers.tekton.dev/trigger (example value: github-listener)
  • triggers.tekton.dev/triggers-eventid (example value: b09a980e-2b5d-4321-afab-068ac1d2f45d)


  • Backend 1 scrapes data from Tekton resources (PipelineRun, TaskRun, etc)
  • Backend 2 stores the retrieved data
  • Frontend visualizes

backend 1 - Tekton Harvester

Backend 2 - Sensemaker

  • Java Spring Boot
  • Postgresql for storing accounts
    • should we store the pipeline data here, or use a Graph database?
    • JooQ
    • Flyway
  • Receive data via RabbitMQ
  • Expose data via GraphQL and OAuth
  • Read access to log storage
  • connect the dots of the harvester data to internal model
    • emit CloudEvent when data is processed
    • e.g., compare current run to previous run of same pipeline/system
    • do we send it via RabbitMQ? Or Kafka?

Backend 3 - Notifier

  • Notification configuration
  • SQLlite?
  • Export via GraphQL
  • Can receive notification information via RabbitMQ/Kafka?
    • propagates it based on account settings
    • e.g., Email, Slack, etc
    • when status changes, when a new pipeline is triggered, etc
    • map the data to the internal model
    • e.g., Team/User/Role/NotificationType


  • Vaadin
  • Retrieve data via GraphQL (from Backend 2 and 3)
  • Render data based on user account / role /org



  • create prototype of a chain of events
    • e.g., Tekton Harvester watches PipelineRun events, captures the data, and sends it to Sensemaker via RabbitMQ
    • Sensemaker processes the data, stores what is required for visualization, and sends a CloudEvent to Notifier
    • Notifier processes the CloudEvent, which can also be a CDEvent, and sends notifications to the configured channels
      • we can see two different kinds of channels, those aimed at humans, and those at machines
      • the humans can be notified via Slack, Discord, Email, etc, and have a way of configuring this (team level, personal level)
      • the machines can be notified via Kafka, or JSON over HTTP, etc
  • How do we chain the events?
    • Tekton Harvester watches a PipelineRun, sends a message over RabbitMQ Queue
    • Sensemaker listens to the RabbitMQ Queue, processes the message, and sends a something to Notifier via Kafka
    • Notifier listens to the Kafka topic, processes the message, and then sends a message to a Tekton EventListener
    • This kicks of the next pipeline
  • Recurring events?
    • e.g., every day at 3 AM, we want to run a pipeline that checks the latest version of a dependency
    • e.g., every time a new image is pushed to a registry, we want to run a pipeline that scans the image
    • where do we configure this?
    • how do we trigger this?
  • example: do we create a mapping for an application that is picked up by Notifier, so it can map an incoming event to an outgoing event?
  • Goals
    • make the X Harvester a standard routingType of thing, so we can have a Tekton Harvester, ArgoCD Harvester, etc
    • make the X Harvester a dumb thing, it can translate a specfic event to a generic event and send it to queue
    • Sensemaker is the brains, a modern monolith (e.g., Spring Modulith), which is able to process the events, correlate them, and store them
    • Notifier is the notification engine, which can be configured to send notifications to different channels
      • so it needs a way of mapping incoming events to outgoing events
      • it should have an easy way of configuring this, e.g., Kubernetes CR, so that you can manage it adjacent to the pipelines
