
Your personal nerd that takes care of running scientific compute

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Nerdalize Scientific Compute

Your personal nerd that takes care of running scientific compute on the Nerdalize cloud.

NOTE: This project is currently experimental and not functional.

Command Usage

# log into the scientific compute platform
$ nerd login
Successful login. You can now select a project using 'nerd project'

# list all projects
$ nerd project list

# set a project to work with
$ nerd project set nerdalize-video

# upload a piece of data that will acts as input to the program
$ ls ~/Desktop/videos

$ nerd dataset upload ~/Desktop/videos
Uploading dataset with ID 'd-96fac377'
314.38 MiB / 314.38 MiB [=============================] 100.00%

# start a workload
# we start 2 workers that use the jrottenberg/ffmpeg container to work on the input dataset
$ nerd workload start jrottenberg/ffmpeg
    --instances 2
    --input-dataset d-96fac377
Started workload with ID 'w-96fac375'

# create two tasks for this workload
# this will start the jrottenberg/ffmpeg container twice with the given arguments
# input dataset d-96fac377 will be available in /input, data in /output will be uploaded when the task has successfully executed
$ nerd task create w-96fac375 -- -i /input/video1.mov -acodec copy -vcodec copy /output/video1.avi
$ nerd task create w-96fac375 -- -i /input/video2.mov -acodec copy -vcodec copy /output/video2.avi

# get status of tasks
$ nerd task list w-96fac375
TASK ID     CMD                                                                 OUTPUT ID   STATUS    CREATED
t-14962176  [-i /input/video1.mov -acodec copy -vcodec copy /output/video1.avi] video1.avi  SUCCESS   1 minute ago
t-89491732  [-i /input/video2.mov -acodec copy -vcodec copy /output/video2.avi]             PENDING   1 minute ago

# when all tasks are done we can download the output
$ nerd workload download w-96fac375 ~/Desktop/videos_out
$ tree ~/Desktop/videos_out
├── 7691e3df0c824efc1007082057b9c867_14962176
│   └── video1.avi
└── f45371445a7b95f7352bf841c30e4f58_89491732
    └── video2.avi

Please note that each command has a --help option that shows how to use the command. Each command accepts at least the following options:

--config-file=  location of config file [$NERD_CONFIG_FILE]
--session-file= location of session file [$NERD_SESSION_FILE]
--debug=  show debug output [$NERD_DEBUG]
--output=[pretty|raw|json] Format of the output (default: pretty)

Power users


The nerd command uses a config file located at ~/.nerd/config.json (location can be changed with the --config-file option) which can be used to customize nerd's behaviour. The structure of the config and the defaults are show below:

        "auth": {
                "api_endpoint": "http://auth.nerdalize.com/v1/", # URL of authentication server
                "public_key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMHYwEAYHKoZIzj0CAQYFK4EEACIDYgAEBthEmchVCtA3ZPXqiCXdj+7/ZFuhxRgx\ngrTxIHK+b0vEqKqA3O++ggD1GgjqtTfNLGUjLCE3KxyIN78TsK+HU4VVexTjlWXy\nWPtidD68xGD0JVPU1cSfu8iP0XzwgttG\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", # Public key used to verify JWT signature
                "client_id": "Po2PHR7YOIEQojfHy3zfOMulby9QGVSvcD9bO3S3", #OAuth client ID
                "oauth_localserver": "localhost:9876", #address of local oauth server
                "oauth_success_url": "https://cloud.nerdalize.com" #redirect URL after successful login
        "logging": { # write all command output to a log file
          "enabled": false,
          "file_location": "~/.nerd/log"
        "nerd_api_endpoint": "https://batch.nerdalize.com/v1/" # URL of nerdalize API (NCE)

Session details such as OAuth session, JWT, and current project are stored in ~/.nerd/session.json (can be changed using the --session-file option) The structure of session.json is show below:

  "oauth": {
  	"access_token": "", #oauth access token
  	"refresh_token": "", #oauth refresh token
  	"expiration": "", #expiration date + time
  	"scope": "", #oauth scope
  	"token_type": "" #Bearer
  "jwt": {
    "token": "", #Current JWT
    "refresh_token": "" #used when JWT is refreshable
  "project": {
    "name": "", #NLZ project name
    "aws_region": "" #AWS Region


The nerd CLI can be dockerized. To build the docker container run:

docker build -t my-nerd .

You can now run the container like so:

docker run my-nerd <command>

If you want to use your local nerd config file (which contains your credentials), you can mount it:

docker run -v ~/.nerd:/root/.nerd my-nerd <command>

If you just want to set your credentials, you can also set it with an environment variable:

docker run -e NERD_JWT=put.jwt.here my-nerd <command>

Nerdalize SDK

Code in this repository can also be used as a Software Development Kit (SDK) to communicate with Nerdalize services. The SDK consists of two packages:


  • auth is a client to the Nerdalize authentication backend. It can be used to fetch new JWTs.
  • batch is a client to batch.nerdalize.com. It can be used to work with resources like queues, workers, and datasets.


  • datatransfer makes it possible to upload or download a dataset using one function call
  • working works on workload tasks