
Browser-based multiplayer gaming using WebRTC

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

Browser-based multiplayer gaming using WebRTC

[Backlog] (https://github.com/joostverdoorn/webrtc/issues?milestone=none&page=1&state=open)

[Sprintlog] (https://github.com/joostverdoorn/webrtc/issues/milestones)

[Scrumboard] (http://huboard.com/joostverdoorn/webrtc/board)

Master branch is updated weekly, and is the result of that week's work. Master version can be always found here: http://webrtc.jstfy.com

To start a new node in network: http://webrtc.jstfy.com/node.html

To view a graph of all nodes: http://webrtc.jstfy.com/nodegraph.html



  • NodeJS 0.10.x
  • CoffeeScript 1.6.3

##Initial Build cake deploy

##Subsequent builds cake build

##Cleaning cake clean

##Watch for changes To automatically build the project when a file is changed cake watch can be used. This is useful when actively developing to prevent the constant execution of cake build.

##Running cake run

This starts a listenserver on localhost:8080 which responds to index.html for the game, node.html for a node that connects to other nodes and nodegraph.html for a visualization of the networktopology.

##Tests cake test

This executes all tests and shows the output in the console. For the test-coverage a listenserver on localhost:8081 is launched which visualizes the covered codelines.