
Library for symmetric coroutines

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A library for symmetric coroutines

This is a JS-port of 'coro' library from "Revisiting Coroutines" (Ana Lúcia de Moura and Roberto Ierusalimschy, 2004)


Simple example for Producer/Consumer

const coro = require("symcoro");

const produce = coro.create(function* produce(n) {
  yield* coro.transfer(consume, n * 3);

const consume = coro.create(function* consume(v) {
  yield* coro.transfer(coro.main, v * 2)

coro.run(function* () {
  console.log(yield* coro.transfer(p, 7)); // 42

Notice that main coroutine transfers control to the produce coroutine but gains it back from consume coroutine.


coro.create(f, name?) creates a coroutine with a given generator function.

  • f: A generator function
  • name: Optional. Useful for debug output
  • Returns a coroutine

coro.transfer(co, val) transfers control to another coroutine. The coroutine will be resumed with the passed val. The current coroutine will be suspended.

  • co: A coroutine which will be resumed
  • val: Optional
  • Returns when this coroutine is resumed

coro.run(f, callback) runs a generator function as a main coroutine. When f returns a value, callback will be called with it.

  • f: A generator function
  • callback: Optional


There are some coroutines you can pass control back and forth.

  • coro.main: You can transfer control to the main coroutine which is a generator function passed to coro.run(f).
  • coro.current: You can pass the current coroutine as an argument when transfering control to another coroutine.
  • coro.parent: This coroutine refers the coroutine which created the current coroutine.