fRReE (free Research Report Enlightenment) is a LaTeX class to quickly change the style of research papers written in LaTeX in order to distribute them in Open Access Archives.
Publishers' copyright are often unclear about the rights you keep on your articles. However, in most cases, you keep all your rights on your work and only the final version with the published layout belongs to the publishers.
It means that althought you've signed this copyright transfer form, you can still distribute freely your work on the Internet by just changing the layout of your paper!
This is exactly what fRReE enables you to do in the blink of an eye. In addition, the front page of your new Open-Access enabled paper will include:
- the reference to the journal/proceedings on the front page
- your institution and its logo
- the funding bodies sponsoring your research
- anything else that want to add to the template
Check on this search engine the policy of your journal/conference, to make sure the copyright transfer you signed allows you to deposit your paper in an Open Access repository:
You can also use to check your funder's policy regarding Open Access. Most of the time, funding bodies ask you to deposit your work in Open Access Archives.
This package contains:
- the LaTeX style package fRReE.sty to design and make available publications
- some logos in png and eps, plus the related gimp project (xcf) of various institutions
- a sample document using the package template-fRReE.tex
Use git clone to get the original repository, then rename template-fRReE.tex and modify it to fit your publication.
Most variables are filled with ??? by default when no other value is explicitely set.
Research Centre
- \RRrc { label }
- \RRrcname { Research Centre Name }
- \RRrcaddr { Address }
- \RRrcwebsite { \url{} }
This set of command overrides the default values for the Research Centre issuing the report.
The default values refer to Imperial College London's Department of Computing.
- \RRlogo { img }
Set the Research Centre's logo to appear on the first and last page. A default logo is supplied, use it at your own risks...
- \RRdate { date }
This command is optional, but if you do not use it, you will get a LaTeX warning. The date argument is normally formed of the month and year of publication.
- \RRversion { N }
This command is used when the current document is not the original version but the N version (with at least N 2).
- \RRdater { date }
This indicates the revision date, if it is a version two or greater.
%% Case of a v2
% publication date of version 2
\RRdater{November 2008}
- \RRauthor { author }
- \RRaffiliation { affiliation }
- \RRaffiliation [ label ] { affiliation }
- \RRaffiliationref{ label }
This command sets the name of the author of the report. Of course, the argument
ment is formed of the complete first and last names. One can optionally
mention affiliations, using the \RRaffiliation
command. Multiple authors are separated by the command \and
\RRauthor {
% first author and his affiliations
John \textsc{Doe}
\RRaffiliation[sfn0]{Imperial College London}
\RRaffiliation[sfn1]{ISIMA, Institut Sup\'erieur d'Informatique, de Mod\'elisation et de ses Appplications, BP 10125, F-63173 AUBIERE}
\RRaffiliation[sfn2]{Clermont Universit\'e, Universit\'e Blaise Pascal, BP 10448, F-63000 CLERMONT-FERRAND}
\RRaffiliation[sfn3]{CNRS, UMR 6158, LIMOS, F-63173 AUBIERE}
\\Toto \textsc{Toto}
\\Alice \textsc{Bob}
\\Arthur \textsc{Merlin}
The \RRaffiliation
command hang the affiliation as a footnote on page one for an author.
If you want to share the same affiliation between two authors, use
the command \RRaffiliation[label]{Affiliation}
with a label argument for the first author, and for the second
the command \RRaffiliationref{label}
with the same label.
- \RRtitle { titre }
Set the title of the report.
%% full title
\RRtitle{Template and examples of a publication \\
distributed using the fRReE.sty class}
- \RRtitlehead { short title }
In the case where the title is very long, we can use \RRtitlehead
override he value of the title to be used in header of odd-numbered pages.
This command, can only be called after \RRtitle
, and of course before \begin{document}
%% short version of the title in header on odd-numbered pages
\RRtitlehead{Example of fRReE.sty}
- \RRauthorhead { short author }
The header on even pages contains a list of authors automatically generated.
If this list is so long that it does not fit on the
page, we can use the command \RRauthorhead
to override the header with a shorted version on even-numbered pages.
%% Appear in the header of each even page
\RRauthorhead{Toto et al 2014}
- \RRnote { note }
This command allows you to put notes on the first page.
It is not recommended to use the command \footnote
on the first page.
\RRnote{This is a note}
\RRnote{This is another note}
- \RRabstract { resume }
Defines the summary. Accepts text or \input{filename}
One can also use \resume
an alias.
- \RRkeyword { keyword1, keyword2, ... }
A simple list of keywords for the publication. Can be aliased by