
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Amazon author check

A fully automated tool for scraping the Amazon author page and sending alers when new books are available


  • Support for Pushover notifications
  • Support for single and all authors
  • Support for custom author list
  • Support for custom author folder


A simple All-In-One python script to scrape information from the Amazon author pages and comparing this to known local data.


This script is usable form your local system or with the use of a docker container.


Clone the git repo to local

git clone https://github.com/jopbakker/amazonbooks_python.git

Local installation

Using this local version requires python 3.x to be installed on your system. Python can be installed from the Python website.

$ pip3 install -r docker/requirements.txt

Docker installation

In order yo use this docker container you must first install docker from the Docker website or with you package manager.

cd amazonbooks_python/docker
sudo docker build -t amazonbooks:latest .


python.exe .\amazonbooks.py -h
usage: amazonbooks.py [-h] [-a CHECK_AUTHOR] [-aL AUTHOR_LIST] [--author-file-folder AUTHOR_FILES_FOLDER] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL] [--test TEST_RUN] [-Pu USER_TOKEN] [-Pa API_TOKEN]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Custom author check - [Default: all]
  -aL AUTHOR_LIST, --author-list AUTHOR_LIST
                        Custom filename for the csv file containing authors and urls - [Default: authors.csv]
  --author-file-folder AUTHOR_FILES_FOLDER
                        Custom authors file location - [Default: authors]
  --log-level LOG_LEVEL
                        Set the level of logs to show (Options: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL) - [Default: INFO]
  --test TEST_RUN       Set this to 'True' to run the script without sending the pushover message or saving the author files - [Default: False]

  -Pu USER_TOKEN, --pushover-user-token USER_TOKEN
                        Pushover user token
  -Pa API_TOKEN, --pushover-api-token API_TOKEN
                        Pushover API token

Looking up all authors (default)


python3 amazonbooks.py -Pu "<Pushover user key>" -Pa "<Pushover API key>"


docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}:/app amazonbooks -Pu "<Pushover user key>" -Pa "<Pushover API key>"

Looking up a single author


python3 amazonbooks.py -a Brandon_Sanderson -Pu "<Pushover user key>" -Pa "<Pushover API key>"


docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}:/app amazonbooks -a Brandon_Sanderson -Pu "<Pushover user key>" -Pa "<Pushover API key>"


The project is licensed under MIT License.