A CKAN extension that enables single sign-on (SSO) on your CKAN site using simple HTTP headers in the request.
ckanext-simplesso has been tested against CKAN 2.4.1.
To install, activate your CKAN virtualenv and then do:
git clone 'https://github.co/jorabra/ckanext-simplesso.git'
cd ckanext-simplesso
pip install -e . (or alternatively equivalent) python setup.py develop
Then add 'simplesso' to the ckan.plugins line in your CKAN config file, for example:
ckan.plugins = resource_proxy stats datastore simplesso
Also make sure you have ckan.simplesso.header_parameter
set correctly in your config file, for example:
ckan.simplesso.header_parameter = my_header_parameter_name
ckan.simplesso.email_domain = my_email_domain
Finally, restart your web server.
CKAN default user management pages lets users change both username and email. The plugin uses username to establish if SSO user already has a CKAN account.
Note that usernames "must be purely lowercase alphanumeric (ascii) characters and these symbols: -_". The plugin handles this only by lowercasing the username.
Handle SSO usernames with all kinds of symbols that CKAN doesn't support.
Remove all register, login and logout functionality if the use case is to only accept SSO users and anonymous users.