
It's intent is to have a continuous running distillation process with 6 temperature sensors along the fractionating column, two servo controlled valves, one for liquid input (wash), and one for the desired collected liquid's output valve. It will also have 2 pumps, one continuously running for the wash input, while the other will be turned on periodically as a bildge system to remove the undesired waste liquid.

The distillery code is split up into several repos:

* raspberrypi * arduino * parts (physical 3D parts)


The arduino continuously polls the 6 temperature sensors, and stores the last 100 raw values. It will provide the raw data as json over serial when it receives the command `values`. It will provide the average values with the command `averages`.


The raspberrypi provides a web interface to monitor the sensors and control the actuators. While it plugged in to the arduino it gets the temperature values from it over the serial connection.


The physical parts to be 3D printed for the nema17 stepper motors to connect to the needle valves.