
Read it carefully. You will find here all the resources you need, at least to boost-up in the challenges.


Machine learning

You have all the pip requirements in the requirements.txt file.

You have the entire environment in environment.yml file.

If you want you can use one or another. It is located in the seed project

Must have

We recommend you

** Use anaconda or virtualenvwrapper

** We recommend you to use anaconda, but feel free to use whatever you want

Install dependencies

It is up to you to install it or not, or even use another method or technology.

# with virtualenvwrapper
$ mkvirtualenv -p python3 bot # create virtual environment
$ workon bot # enter VE
(bot) $ pip install -r requirements.txt # install dependencies (make sure you are in the bot VE)
(bot) $ deactivate # exit VE

# with anaconda
$ conda env create -f environment.yml # create virtual environment
$ conda activate bot # enter VE
(bot) $ conda deactivate # exit VE

** In the workshop you will be learning to work with Keras (running on top of TensorFlow, CNTK, or Theano). You need TensorFlow to run as backend or CNTK, or Theano.

** Since the 1.7 version of Tensorflow includes Keras, we recommend you to install it

Nice to have

Technical talk

  • Part 1 - Being smarter than AI
  • Part 2 - Train your models in the cloud (AWS)
  • The entire talk will be 30 min to 1h


Must have VR

  • Own laptop
  • Compatible device

We recommend you

You can go to the next links in order to get some free 3d models:



Must have ARKit

  • iPhone 6s or higher, we provide x2 iPhone.
  • Xcode 9.0
  • iOS 11.0 or higher


Must have ARCore

We recommend you