
An Elixir API wrapper for the Fleet REST API

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


An elixir wrapper for the Fleet API. Connect to the API running on one of your fleet cluster nodes using either a direct node URL or an etcd etcd token.

Build Status Hex pm


etcd token

Note that this is a config value you can set to override the port used to connect to the Fleet REST API when using an etcd token. In your app's config, you can set

config :fleet_api, :etcd
  fix_port_number: true,
  api_port: 4001

To get the api to use the correct port, regardless of what might be stored in etcd.

{:ok, pid} = FleetApi.Etcd.start_link("your etcd token")
{:ok, units} = FleetApi.Etcd.list_units(pid)

[%FleetApi.Unit{currentState: "launched", desiredState: "launched",
  machineID: "820c30c0867844129d63f4409871ba39", name: "subgun-http.service",
  options: [%FleetApi.UnitOption{name: "Description", section: "Unit",
    value: "subgun"},
   %FleetApi.UnitOption{name: "ExecStartPre", section: "Service",
    value: "-/usr/bin/docker kill subgun-%i"},
   %FleetApi.UnitOption{name: "ExecStartPre", section: "Service",
    value: "-/usr/bin/docker rm subgun-%i"}...]

Direct node URL

{:ok, pid} = FleetApi.Direct.start_link("http://your-node-host-or-ip:7002")
{:ok, units} = FleetApi.Direct.list_units(pid)

[%FleetApi.Unit{currentState: "launched", desiredState: "launched",
  machineID: "820c30c0867844129d63f4409871ba39", name: "subgun-http.service",
  options: [%FleetApi.UnitOption{name: "Description", section: "Unit",
    value: "subgun"},
   %FleetApi.UnitOption{name: "ExecStartPre", section: "Service",
    value: "-/usr/bin/docker kill subgun-%i"},
   %FleetApi.UnitOption{name: "ExecStartPre", section: "Service",
    value: "-/usr/bin/docker rm subgun-%i"}...]