Provided by Tae Geun Kim
Install Git
- Ubuntu : sudo apt-get install git
- Windows : Just Search "Git windows" or "윈도우 Git"
Create Github account
If you create account, then please email to me ( - Contain your ID.
Github can read markdown. Markdown is simple and great tool to explain code
For example :
- Python
import numpy as np import pylab as plt import seaborn as sns import pandas as pd class Derivative: def __init__(self, f): self.f = f self.h = 1e-04 def Differentiate(self, x): return (self.f(x+self.h) - self.f(x))/self.h def __call__(self, x): return Differentiate(x)
- Go
package main import ( "fmt" "math" ) func Sqrt(x float64) string { if x >= 0 { return fmt.SPrint(math.Sqrt(x)) } return Sqrt(-x) + "i" }
All of this code is written by Markdown. (And even this document also)
You should learn markdown to use github
- Create repository at Github (No initialize)
- Make some directory on your computer (e.g SM)
- Make any files (e.g Higgs.txt)
- Should initialize your folder as follows:
- git init
- git remote add Any_Name(e.g origin)
- git config --global Your_Name
- git config --global Your_Email
- git add Higgs.txt
- git commit -am "Any_Message(Add some file or fix some file)"
- git push Any_Name(From ii.) master
- Now you can use git & github. Here is the brief manual:
- If you fix file only :
- git commit -am "Log_Message"
- git push Any_Name master
- If you add some file to directory :
- git add File_Name
- git commit -am "Log_Message"
- git push Any_Name master
- If you fix file only :
- Search "Anaconda" at Google.
- Download Python3.6 ver Conda.
- Export path? Y
- When download finished, type "jupyter notebook"
- Windows : Search Anaconda prompt in your computer and type on that
- Linux : Just type on bash shell
- Download VScode (Visual Studio Code)
- Use it with various extensions