Audio reactive FastLED pattern using the MSGEQ7.


MSGEQ7 breakout board (for audio)
This firmware uses the MONO version, not STEREO
(Notice the single OUT pin pictured below)

EBay Amazon

ESP8266 dev board:
(probably any microcontroller supported by Arduino IDE will work)
(if you get one with pins pre-soldered, you can use jumper wires to connect the leds to the board)
(Otherwise, you will need to know how to solder on a connector of some kind)

NodeMCU 12-E D1 Mini 12-F

Digital LEDs (WS2811/WS2812B/etc)

WS2811 WS2812B


  • Automatic Channel Analysis (Finds Bass and Treble Channels in realtime)
  • Bass/Beat Hits will spawn a white pixel that fades over time
  • Bass/Beat Hits will 'refresh' all white pixels to full brightness
  • Treble/Vocal/Instrumental 'Hits' will spawn a pixel from a palette (Rainbow_p by default)
  • Spawns are marquee'd cross every frame


Step 1 - Get Arduino IDE

Step 2 - Tell Arduino About FastLED

  • Click 'Sketch' > 'Include Library' > 'Manage libraries...'
  • Search for "FastLED"
  • Install "FastLED by Daniel Garcia"
  • Click 'Close'

Step 3 - Tell Arduino About ESP8266

  • Click 'File' > 'Preferences'
  • Paste the following url into the Additional Boards Manager field near the bottom of the dialog box:
  • Click 'OK'
  • Click 'Tools' > 'Board:' > 'Boards Manager...'
  • Search for "8266"
  • Install "esp8266 by ESP8266 Community"
  • Click 'Close'

Step 4 - Select Your Board

  • Click 'Tools' > 'Board:' > 'ESP8266 Boards (#.#.#)'
  • Find your specific board
    • NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)
    • LOLIN WEMOS D1 R2 & mini