This program illustrates how to create Kafka Producer and Kafka Consumer in Java.
Kafka Producer Group:
- Reads and sends the playing_cards_datetime.tsv dataset
- Connects to localhost:9092
- Sends messages on my_topic, with key = my_key
- Sends all messages as Strings
Kafka Consumer Group:
- Consumes messages sent on my_topic
- Connects to ZooKeeper on localhost
- Consumes all data as Strings
- Outputs the contents of the messages to the screen
mvn eclipse:eclipse
mvn package
Start ZooKeeper, Kafka server (broker), and the Schema Registry in separate windows.
$ cd confluent-1.0/
$ ./bin/zookeeper-server-start ./etc/kafka/
$ ./bin/kafka-server-start ./etc/kafka/
$ ./bin/schema-registry-start ./etc/schema-registry/
Then start your consumer first and then start the producer. For example, if your IDE is Eclipse, this is how you would run:
Run from Eclipse:
Right-click - solution - - Run - Java Application
Right-click - solution - - Run As - Run Configurations
Program arguments = playing_cards_datetime.tsv
click Apply, then click Run
Key is "my_key" value is "2015-01-14 23:21:46 cafaef78-110d-4ebb-9aaa-66a903101bca TexasHoldem Heart 8"
Key is "my_key" value is "2015-01-14 23:21:46 cafaef78-110d-4ebb-9aaa-66a903101bca TexasHoldem Diamond 8"
Key is "my_key" value is "2015-01-14 23:21:46 f95b4858-c4c2-4c7d-80b7-8e436589caea Blackjack Heart Jack"