
Walkie-talkie app with Vue + Firebase

Primary LanguageVue


Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.

UI Inspiration

Music Chat

Project Overview

Project Link

Project Schedule

Day Deliverable Status
Day 1 Project Description Complete
Day 1 Wireframes / Priority Matrix / Timeline backend and frontend Complete
Day 2 Working RestAPI Complete
Day 3 Core Application Structure (HTML, CSS, etc.) Complete
Day 4 MVP & Bug Fixes Complete
Day 5 Final Touches and Present Incomplete

Project Description

For our unit03 project, we are creating a clone of the popular productivity app Trello. Users sign up and login with a custom username and password and then are taken to a mobile, tablet, and desktop application where they can add a board. In each board, they can add a card that holds a list of items tied to the specified card. Each user utilizes CRUD (i.e. create, read, update, and delete) functionality to manipulate each card and/or board on a backend server created and maintained by Ruby on Rails and SQL.

Google Sheet

Google Sheet


Time/Priority Matrix

MVP/PostMVP - 5min



Functional Components


Letter Component Priority Estimated Time Time Invested
A Wireframing H 1hr 3hr
B Hamburger Menu H 1hr 1hr
C Login HTML H 1hrs 1hr
D Boards HTML H 3hr 1hr
E Lists HTML H 2hrs 1hr
F Login CSS H 3hrs 2hr
G Boards CSS H 4hrs 4hr
H Lists CSS H 4hrs 4hr
I Login/Board/List Modal M 6hr 4hr
J Edit Items Modal M 3hr 3hr
K Vue Research H 4hrs 7hr
L Vue Login Implementation H 2hrs 1hr
M Vue Boards Implementation H 1hrs 1.5hr
N Vue Lists Implementation H 3hrs 3hr
O Vue Items Implementation H 2hrs .5hr
P Login/Logout Functions H 2hrs 1.5hrs
Q Create Function for Boards H 1hrs 1hrs
R Read Function for Boards H 1hrs 3hrs
S Update Function for Boards H 4hrs 2.5hrs
T Delete Function for Boards H 3hrs 1.5hrs
U Create Function for List H 1hr 1hr
V Read Function for List H 2hrs 3hrs
W Update Function for List H 3hrs 2hrs
X Delete Function for List H 1hr 1hr
Y Create Function for Item H 3hr 2hr
Z Read Function for Item H 3hrs 3hrs
AA Update Function for Item H 3hrs 4hrs
AB Delete Function for Item H 1hr 1hr
AC Drag and Drop Items Research H 9hr 8hrs
AD Drag and Drop Items Testing and Implementation H 10hr 15hr
AE Login HTML/CSS Debugging H 1.5hr 3hr
AF Login Javascript Debugging H 1hr .5hr
AG Boards HTML/CSS Debugging H 1.5hr 3hr
AH Boards Javascript Debugging H 2hr 4hr
AI Lists HTML/CSS Debugging H 3hr 3hr
AJ Lists Javascript Debugging H 1hr 2hr
AK Items HTML/CSS Debugging H 1hr 1hr
AL Items Javascript Debugging H 3.5hrs 2hr
AM Blackbox Testing H 2hrs 2hr
AN Deployment H 1hrs .5hr
- Total - 104.5hrs 107.5hrs


Letter Component Priority Estimated Time Time Invested
A Hover effect L 1hr 1.5hr
B Social media icons L 5hrs -hr
C Add button shadow effects L 4hrs .5hr
D Landing Page HTML M 2hr -hr
E Landing Page CSS M 4hr -hr
- Total - 16hrs 2hrs

Additional Libraries

Code Snippets

Edit Items Modal

  • The edit modal for items, which is the blueprint for the modal for editing boards and the sign up modal. When we first implemented the code, everything on the page was highlighted when a modal popup is displayed. Once we moved the related divs below footer, it solved the problem. It was a simple solution but took some time to figure it out.
<a href="#popup" class="dropdown-item edit" data-abc="true">Edit</a><div id="popup" class="modalpop">
    <a href="#" class="close">&times;</a>
    <input type="text" placeholder="Edit Item" id="edit_ip" required>
    <button type="submit" id="save_edit">Edit</button>
<a href="#" class="closepop"></a>

Function Highlight

Issues and Resolutions