
Implementing automatic speech recognition Conformer in PyTorch on Librispeech-100

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Conformer ASR on Librispeech


  1. Highlights
  2. Requirements
  3. Usage
  4. Citations


This project is an implementation from scratch of the automatic speech recognition transformer model Conformer introduced in the paper Conformer: Convolution-augmented Transformer for Speech Recognition.

The recent end-to-end ASR models are typically composed of an encoder, which takes as input a speech signal (i.e., sequence of speech frames) and extracts high-level acoustic features, and a decoder, which converts the extracted features from the encoder into a sequence of text. The model architecture of the encoder determines the representational power of an ASR model and its ability to extract acoustic features from input signals. Therefore, a strong architecture is critical for overall performance.

The Conformer architecture has been widely adopted by the speech community and is used as a backbone for different speech tasks. At a macro-level, Conformer incorporates the Macaron structure comprised of four modules per block, as shown in the following figure:

The hybrid attention-convolution structure enables Conformer to capture both global and local interactions. The convolution module, shown below, contains a pointwise convolution with an expansion factor of 2 projecting the number of channels with a GLU activation layer, followed by a 1-D Depthwise convolution. The 1-D depthwise conv is followed by a Batchnorm and then a swish activation layer.

The Conformer model uses multi-headed self-attention module with relative positional embedding in a pre-norm residual unit.

The feed-forward module's first linear layer uses an expansion factor of 4 and the second linear layer projects it back to the model dimension. The module uses the swish activation and a pre-norm residual unit.


pip install -r requirements.txt


To replicate the reported results, clone this repo

cd your_directory git clone git@github.com:jordandeklerk/Conformer.git

and run the main training script

python main.py 


    title   = {Conformer: Convolution-augmented Transformer for Speech Recognition},
    author  = {Anmol Gulati and James Qin and Chung-Cheng Chiu and Niki Parmar and Yu Zhang and Jiahui Yu and Wei Han and Shibo Wang and Zhengdong Zhang and Yonghui Wu and Ruoming Pang},
    year    = {2020},
    eprint  = {2005.08100},
    archivePrefix = {arXiv},
    primaryClass = {eess.AS}

  title={Librispeech: an ASR corpus based on public domain audio books},
  author={Panayotov, Vassil and Chen, Guoguo and Povey, Daniel and Khudanpur, Sanjeev},
  booktitle={Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2015 IEEE International Conference on},