- 0
I am experiencing an issue where the callback of setNotifyValue is being called multiple times. How can I solve this?
#63 opened by intermixlab - 1
How to reconnect when user closes app?
#62 opened by jaksatomovic - 0
Cocoapods repo version desync
#61 opened by DawnGuardian - 2
- 11
Discover services issue in 16.4 iOS
#60 opened by bankiprudhvi - 0
- 0
- 0
CBATTErrorDomain code 131 on some devices
#57 opened by tlquan2809 - 2
discoverServices error operationTimedOut(operation: EverShining.SBError.SBOperation.discoverServices)
#56 opened by ljchen1129 - 0
There is no way to initialize CentralProxy with custom queue for the CBCentralManager
#55 opened by mownier - 1
- 3
Expose CBCentralManager publicly
#52 opened by roberthartman - 2
Xcode 13.1, v3.0.0 unhandled file warning
#51 opened by roberthartman - 1
Compile error on Xcode 13
#50 opened by darshanaPlusinfosys - 8
Compilation under Xcode 13
#48 opened by PFRene - 5
- 6
Peripheral disconnect recognition
#38 opened by quanguyen - 1
- 0
- 0
recive data count
#40 opened by silexKhan - 2
- 3
Notification on natural disconnection
#34 opened by jeyremy - 6
I am getting service list nil, when i disconnect & connect again, with out killing the app.
#37 opened by ashokKOMARA - 0
BLE not getting in Background Mode
#41 opened by Jay-iTechPioneer - 2
discoverCharacteristics 1 failure -operationTimedOut(operation: SwiftyBluetooth.SBError.SBOperation.discoverServices)
#39 opened by kshrikant - 5
I can't able to set notification.
#36 opened by ashokKOMARA - 5
Bluetooth Device writing error
#33 opened by goldenmobile028 - 2
'flatMap' is deprecated
#32 opened by Shunwei - 2
Fix warnings on simulator?
#29 opened by xinsight - 4
- 2
Swift 4 update
#27 opened by Shunwei - 1
Read Value Callback
#25 opened by gloffreda - 4
no way to retrieve peripherals
#23 opened by tcurdt - 3
Reading old advertisement data
#22 opened by Firefox2005 - 7
Connection timeout timer does not fire
#21 opened by agildehaus - 0
- 14
State restoration support?
#16 opened by jakerockland - 2
terminating scan early
#18 opened by TaiPhamD - 4
Operation timed out: Discover services
#17 opened by casperstorm - 8
Supporting connection with no timeout
#14 opened by jakerockland - 8
Xcode 8 integration
#2 opened by lukaszspaczynski - 2
Not able to notify on characteristic
#12 opened by jakerockland - 1