Crackle is an Objective-C wrapper around the 37signals Campfire API.
Crackle covers all major endpoints provided by the Campfire API, with support for multiple accounts.
Get info for an authorized account
GET /account.xml
+[CKLCampfireAPI getInfoForAccount:responseBlock:]
Get recent messages from a room
GET /room/#{id}/recent.xml
+[CKLCampfireAPI getRecentMessagesForRoom:responseBlock:] +[CKLCampfireAPI getRecentMessagesForRoom:sinceMesssage:responseBlock:] +[CKLCampfireAPI getRecentMessagesForRoom:sinceMessage:withLimit:responseBlock:]
Get messages from a room sent on a specific date
GET /room/#{id}/transcript.xml
,GET /room/#{id}/transcript/#{year}/#{month}/#{day}.xml
+[CKLCampfireAPI getTodaysMessagesForRoom:responseBlock:] +[CKLCampfireAPI getMessagesForRoom:fromDate:responseBlock:]
Search for messages across all rooms
GET /search?q=#{term}&format=xml
+[CKLCampfireAPI getMessagesWithQuery:account:responseBlock:]
Send a message to a room
POST /room/#{id}/speak.xml
+[CKLCampfireAPI sendMessage:toRoom:responseBlock:]
Toggle message starred
POST /messages/#{message_id}/star.xml
,DELETE /messages/#{message_id}/star.xml
+[CKLCampfireAPI starMessage:responseBlock:]
Stream messages from a room
+[CKLCampfireAPI streamMessagesInRoom:responseBlock:]
All actions are performed from the account authenticated to access the room object.
Get visible and active rooms
GET /rooms.xml
,GET /presence.xml
+[CKLCampfireAPI getVisibleRoomsForAccount:responseBlock:] +[CKLCampfireAPI getActiveRoomsForAccount:responseBlock:]
Get info (including the list of users) for room
GET /room/#{id}.xml
+[CKLCampfireAPI getInfoForRoom:responseBlock:]
Update room with a new name and/or topic
PUT /room/#{id}.xml
+[CKLCampfireAPI updateRoom:withName:topic:responseBlock:]
Join or leave room
POST /room/#{id}/join.xml
,POST /room/#{id}/leave.xml
+[CKLCampfireAPI joinRoom:responseBlock:] +[CKLCampfireAPI leaveRoom:responseBlock:]
Lock or unlock room
POST /room/#{id}/lock.xml
,DELETE /room/#{id}/lock.xml
+[CKLCampfireAPI lockRoom:responseBlock:] +[CKLCampfireAPI unlockRoom:responseBlock:]
Upload an image to a room
POST /room/#{id}/uploads.xml
+[CKLCampfireAPI uploadImage:toRoom:responseBlock:]
Get recent uploads for room
GET /room/#{id}/uploads.xml
+[CKLCampfireAPI getRecentUploadsForRoom:responseBlock:]
Get upload for specific message
GET /room/#{id}/messages/#{upload_message_id}/upload.xml
+[CKLCampfireAPI getUploadForMessage:responseBlock:]
Get info for current user
GET /users/me.xml
+[CKLCampfireAPI getInfoForUserForCurrentAccount:responseBlock:]
Get info for specific user
GET /users/#{id}.xml
+[CKLCampfireAPI getInfoForUser:responseBlock:]
Crackle uses OAuth 2 to authenticate the user with your app. Register your app’s client ID, client secret, and redirect URI with
+[CKLCampfireAPI setClientID:secret:redirectURI:]
Then call
+[CKLCampfireAPI authorizeWithWebView:]
to display the 37signals login form in a UIWebView
, followed by a permission screen for allowing your app to access the user’s account. Once authentication is finished, the account’s access token is stored securely in the Keychain.
// Find a room to join
__block CKLCampfireRoom *room;
[CKLCampfireAPI getVisibleRoomsForAccount:account responseBlock:^(NSArray *array, NSError *error) {
room = [array firstObject];
// Join the room
[CKLCampfireAPI joinRoom:room responseBlock:^(NSError *error) {
// Stream messages from the room
__block NSUInteger messageCount = 0;
[CKLCampfireAPI streamMessagesInRoom:room responseBlock:^(CKLCampfireMessage *message, NSError *error) {
// Print each message as it comes in
if (message.body) {
NSLog(@"%@", message.body);
// After a number of messages come in
if (messageCount == MESSAGES_TO_STREAM) {
// Send a message to the room
CKLCampfireMessage *message = [CKLCampfireMessage postingMessageWithBody:@"Goodbye!" ofType:CKLCampfireMessageTypeText];
[CKLCampfireAPI sendMessage:message toRoom:room responseBlock:^(CKLCampfireMessage *message, NSError *error) {
// Leave the room
[CKLCampfireAPI leaveRoom:room responseBlock:^(NSError *error) {