
Key takeaways

  1. Used Goa ( to generate design-based service, see: design/design.go
    • Took some extra time on this as I've been wanting to learn Goa
    • See gen/http/openapi* for autogenerated specs
  2. Basic Messari API client with two endpoints, see: messari/client.go
    • used for aggregate caching
    •{slug}/metrics used for individual metric lookup
  3. Implemented Metrics Service API, see: endpoints.go
    • /aggregate for aggregate asset metrics
    • /asset/{slug} for individual asset metrics
  4. Implemented an AssetCache for reduced aggregate request times, see: asset_cache.go
    • I would move this to a Redis-backed cache in a real world scenario
  5. Wrote some tests, but would write a lot more in the real world


  1. Check out project: git clone
  2. From project root: go mod download
  3. Export your Messari API Key: export MESSARI_API_KEY=...
  4. From project root: go run .

API Requests

  1. Single asset metrics endpoint: localhost:8000/asset/{slug}
    • Example: curl localhost:8000/asset/btc
  2. Aggregate asset metrics (query params optional): curl localhost:8000/aggregate[?tags=...|sector=...]
    • Mkt Cap >= 100M: curl localhost:8000/aggregate
    • Tag example: curl localhost:8000/aggregate?tag=NFT
    • Sector example: curl localhost:8000/aggregate?sector=Scaling


  • Aggregate endpoint will take a few seconds to have a fully warmed cache
  • Until removing Messari API rate limiting, aggregate endpoint may encounter errors with sub-requests