The Ruby SDK for AppConnect allows you to leverage the AppConnect v2 APIs.
Via bundler:
gem 'constantcontact', '~> 2.0.0'
[sudo|rvm] gem install constantcontact
The AppConnect SDK can be configured with some options globally or they can be specified when creating the API client:
ConstantContact::Util::Config.configure do |config|
config[:auth][:api_key] = 'your-access-key'
config[:auth][:api_secret] = 'your-access-secret'
config[:auth][:redirect_uri] = ''
AppConnect requires an OAuth access token which will give your app access to Constant Contact data and services for the accout that granted that access token.
Create a new controller action. The redirect_url should be the same as the one given when registering the app with Mashery. Use the following code snippet to get an access token:
@oauth =
:api_key => 'your api key',
:api_secret => 'your secret key',
:redirect_url => 'your redirect url' # the URL given when registering your app with Mashery.
@error = params[:error]
@user = params[:username]
@code = params[:code]
if @code.present?
response = @oauth.get_access_token(@code)
if response.present?
token = response['access_token']
cc ='your api key', token)
@contacts = cc.get_contacts()
# if not code param is provided redirect into the OAuth flow
redirect_to @oauth.get_authorization_url and return
Create a view for the above mentioned action with the following code:
<% if @error %>
<p><%= @error %></p>
<% end %>
<% if @contacts.present? %>
<% @contacts.each do |contact| %>
<p>Contact name: <%= "#{contact.first_name} #{contact.last_name}" %></p>
<% end %>
<% end %>
The first time you access the action you will be redirected into the Constant Contact OAuth flow. Then you will be redirected back to your action and you should see the list of contacts.
Require AppConnect:
require 'constantcontact'
Add the following route. The redirect_url should be the same given when registering the app with Mashery.
get '/my_url' do
@oauth =
:api_key => 'your api key',
:api_secret => 'your secret key',
:redirect_url => 'your redirect url'
@error = params[:error]
@user = params[:username]
@code = params[:code]
if @code
response = @oauth.get_access_token(@code)
if response
token = response['access_token']
cc ='your api key', token)
@contacts = cc.get_contacts()
erb :my_view
Create a my_view.erb with the following code:
<% if @error %>
<% end %>
<% if @code %>
<% if @contacts %>
<% @contacts.each do |contact| %>
<p>\Contact name: <%= "#{contact.first_name} #{contact.last_name}" %></p>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<a href="<%=@oauth.get_authorization_url%>">Click to authorize</a>
<% end %>
The first time you access the action in browser you should see the "Click to authorize" link. Follow the link, go through all the Constant Contact steps required and then you will be redirected back to your action and you should see the list of contacts.