
Neurio energy sensor and appliance automation API python library

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Neurio Energy Sensor and Appliance Info API Python Library

This is the unofficial Python library for the Neurio sensor real-time energy and appliance automation library.

Use it to collect realtime energy production and consumption information for your home. Create smart home integrations and automations. Run machine learning experiments.

The library currently supports:

  • OAuth 2 authentication (including token request) – /v1/oauth2
  • Consumption and production samples (live and historical) – /v1/samples
  • Energy consumption statistics rollups – /v1/samples/stats
  • Appliance detection and reporting - /v1/appliances
  • Local sensor sampling - http://<IP_address>/current-sample


The easiest way to install the module is via pip:

$ sudo pip install neurio

Or, clone the source repository and install it by hand:

$ git clone https://github.com/jordanh/neurio-python neurio-python
$ cd neurio-python
$ sudo python setup.py install

Getting Started

Module documentation has been added to neurio/__init.__.py and is the canonical source of documentation. There are also a set of simple examples in examples/.

Using the module is simple:

1. Request API Access Key from Neurio, Inc.

You can create your own API Access Key here: https://my.neur.io/#settings/applications/register When creating your app, Homepage URL and Callback URL are optional.

2. Create Private Key File

Create a file named my_keys.py (for example) and populate it with the key and secret information you received from Neurio. For your convenience, populate the sensor_id and location_id fields. Location and sensor ID can be

obtained with get_user_information():

key    = "0123456789abcdef012345"
secret = "0123456789abcdef012345"
sensor_id = "0x0000123456789"
location_id = "abcdEFG-hijkLMNOP"

3. Write Your Application

Here's an example application that authenticates using the secret information from my_keys.py and fetches the last real-time energy data received by the Neurio platform:

from __future__ import print_function
import neurio
import my_keys

# Setup authentication:
tp = neurio.TokenProvider(key=my_keys.key, secret=my_keys.secret)
# Create client that can authenticate itself:
nc = neurio.Client(token_provider=tp)
# Get user information (including sensor ID and location ID)
user_info = nc.get_user_information()

print("Sensor ID %s, location ID %s" %(user_info["locations"][0]["sensors"][0]["sensorId"],

# Fetch sample:
sample = nc.get_samples_live_last(sensor_id=user_info["locations"][0]["sensors"][0]["sensorId"])

print("Current power consumption: %d W" % (sample['consumptionPower']))

That's it!


Feel free to fork, submit pull requests, or send feedback. I'm excited to see what the world will create with Neurio.

Issues can be submitted here: https://github.com/jordanh/neurio-python/issues




A series of unit tests have been written for this library. To run them, first create a file tests/test_keys.py containing your credentials (test_keys should contain sensor_id and location_id) and then:

$ python -m unittest discover -s tests -p '*_test.py' -v


Copyright 2015, 2016 Jordan Husney jordan.husney@gmail.com

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.