
Milk for your Swift serialization. A common set of simple interfaces and operators for implementing serialization in Swift.

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Milk for your Swift serialization - A common set of simple interfaces and operators for implementing serialization in Swift.

The interfaces provided by Milk allow you to serialize both class and struct types. Properties can be both immutable (let) and mutable (var) without having to use implicit unwraping !.

Milk is meant to be format agnostic, providing an interface just as capable of serializing to JSON as it is to binary. For the sake of documentation, most of the examples given here will refer to serializing to and from JSON.

Note: Milk requires Swift 2.0 as it uses protocol extensions to provide default implementations of common methods.


struct Person {
    let name: String
    let age: Int
    let height: Float

    init(age: Int, name: String, height: height) {
        self.name = name
        self.age = age
        self.height = height

extension Person: Serializable {
    private init?(name: String?, age: Int?, height: Float?) {
        if let name = name, age = age, height = height {
            self.name = name
            self.age = age
            self.height = height
        } else {
            return nil

    func serialize(serializer: Serializer) {
        serializer["name"] <- name
        serializer["age"] <- age
        serializer["height"] <- height

    static func deserialize(deserializer: Serializer) -> Person? {
        return Person(name:   <-deserializer["name"],
                      age:    <-deserializer["age"],
                      height: <-deserializer["height"])
let jsonSerializer: Serializer = JSONSerializer()
let person: Person = Person(name: "Matt", age: 12, height: 71.2)

if let data = try jsonSerializer.toData() {

SwiftyJSONMilk is a JSON serializer implementation which uses SwiftyJSON under the hood. This can be used as is or as a reference implementation for other serializers.



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pod 'Milk'


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github "jordanhamill/Milk"



As you may have noticed in the above example, Milk provides several prefix and infix operators for convenience. These provide a less verbose way of using a Serializer.

Rather than typing out

let age: Int? = 12
serializer.serializeOptional(age, forKeyPath: "age")

You can use

serializer["age"] <- age

Neat, eh?

And for deserialization:

let age: Int? = deserializer.deserializeValueForKeyPath("age")
let age: Int? = <-deserializer["age"]

This works really well with optional constructors:

extension Person: Serializable {
    private init?(name: String?, age: Int?, height: Float?) {
        if let name = name, age = age, height = height {
            self.age = age
            self.name = name
            self.height = height
        } else {
            return nil

    static func deserialize(deserializer: Serializer) -> Patient? {
        return Person(name:   <-deserializer["name"],
                      age:    <-deserializer["age"],
                      height: <-deserializer["height"])

Keyed values

Any model implementing Serializable should use the keyPath methods to serialize each required property.

Root objects

Most JSON API endpoints will either return an array of items or a singular root level dictionary. Serializer provides several keypath-less methods for serializing and deserializing these root level items.

// Serialize an array as the root object
func serialize<T: Serializable>(values: [T])
func deserializeValue<T: Serializable>() -> [T]?

// shorthand

let friends: [Person]
let serializer: Serializer
serializer <- friends

let friends: [Person]?
let deserializer: Serializer
friends <-deserializer
// Serialize a dictionary as the root object
func serialize<T: Serializable>(value: T)
func deserializeValue<T: Serializable>() -> T?

// shorthand

let person: Person
let serializer: Serializer
serializer <- person

let person: Person?
let deserializer: Serializer
person <-deserializer

Implementing Serializable

Any class, struct or enum that conforms to Serializable will be serializable by a Serializer.

You can nest Serializable objects. Below is an example of nesting a required Person value, owner, as well as the non-required previous owners which is held as an optional collection of Person objects.

struct Car {
    let manufacturer: String
    let model: String
    let owner: Person
    let previousOwners: [Person]?

extension Car: Serializable {
    private init?(manufacturer: String?, model: Int?, owner: Person?, previousOwners: [Person]?) {
        if let manufacturer = manufacturer, model = model, owner = owner {
            self.manufacturer = manufacturer
            self.model = model
            self.owner = owner
            self.previousOwners = previousOwners
        } else {
            return nil

    static func deserialize(deserializer: Serializer) -> Car? {
        return Car(manufacturer:   <-deserializer["manufacturer"],
                   model:          <-deserializer["model"],
                   owner:          <-deserializer["owner"],
                   previousOwners: <-deserializer["previousOwners"])

Creating your own Serializer

The Serializer protocol requires you to implement a set of methods to serialize and deserialize the fundamental base types, Ints, Float, Double, String, Bool.

// MARK: Serialization

func serialize(value: Bool, forKeyPath keyPath: String)
func serialize(value: Int16, forKeyPath keyPath: String)
func serialize(value: Int32, forKeyPath keyPath: String)
func serialize(value: Int64, forKeyPath keyPath: String)
func serialize(value: Int, forKeyPath keyPath: String)
func serialize(value: UInt16, forKeyPath keyPath: String)
func serialize(value: UInt32, forKeyPath keyPath: String)
func serialize(value: UInt64, forKeyPath keyPath: String)
func serialize(value: UInt, forKeyPath keyPath: String)
func serialize(value: Float, forKeyPath keyPath: String)
func serialize(value: Double, forKeyPath keyPath: String)
func serialize(value: String, forKeyPath keyPath: String)

// MARK: Deserialization

func deserializeValueForKeyPath(keyPath: String) -> Bool?
func deserializeValueForKeyPath(keyPath: String) -> Int16?
func deserializeValueForKeyPath(keyPath: String) -> Int32?
func deserializeValueForKeyPath(keyPath: String) -> Int64?
func deserializeValueForKeyPath(keyPath: String) -> Int?
func deserializeValueForKeyPath(keyPath: String) -> UInt16?
func deserializeValueForKeyPath(keyPath: String) -> UInt32?
func deserializeValueForKeyPath(keyPath: String) -> UInt64?
func deserializeValueForKeyPath(keyPath: String) -> UInt?
func deserializeValueForKeyPath(keyPath: String) -> Float?
func deserializeValueForKeyPath(keyPath: String) -> Double?
func deserializeValueForKeyPath(keyPath: String) -> String?

You must also provide implementations to work with any type T that conforms to Serializable.

func serialize<T: Serializable>(value: T)
func serialize<T: Serializable>(value: T, forKeyPath keyPath: String)

func deserializeValue<T: Serializable>() -> T?
func deserializeValueForKeyPath<T: Serializable>(keyPath: String) -> T?

As well as providing methods to work with homogenous collections of the above types.

func serialize<T: Serializable>(values: [T])
func serialize<T: Serializable>(values: [T], forKeyPath keyPath: String)
func serialize(values: [Bool], forKeyPath keyPath: String)
func serialize(values: [Int16], forKeyPath keyPath: String)
func serialize(values: [Int32], forKeyPath keyPath: String)
func serialize(values: [Int64], forKeyPath keyPath: String)
func serialize(values: [Int], forKeyPath keyPath: String)
func serialize(values: [UInt16], forKeyPath keyPath: String)
func serialize(values: [UInt32], forKeyPath keyPath: String)
func serialize(values: [UInt64], forKeyPath keyPath: String)
func serialize(values: [UInt], forKeyPath keyPath: String)
func serialize(values: [Float], forKeyPath keyPath: String)
func serialize(values: [Double], forKeyPath keyPath: String)
func serialize(values: [String], forKeyPath keyPath: String)

func deserializeValue<T: Serializable>() -> [T]?
func deserializeValueForKeyPath<T: Serializable>(keyPath: String) -> [T]?
func deserializeValueForKeyPath(keyPath: String) -> [Bool]?
func deserializeValueForKeyPath(keyPath: String) -> [Int16]?
func deserializeValueForKeyPath(keyPath: String) -> [Int32]?
func deserializeValueForKeyPath(keyPath: String) -> [Int64]?
func deserializeValueForKeyPath(keyPath: String) -> [Int]?
func deserializeValueForKeyPath(keyPath: String) -> [UInt16]?
func deserializeValueForKeyPath(keyPath: String) -> [UInt32]?
func deserializeValueForKeyPath(keyPath: String) -> [UInt64]?
func deserializeValueForKeyPath(keyPath: String) -> [UInt]?
func deserializeValueForKeyPath(keyPath: String) -> [Float]?
func deserializeValueForKeyPath(keyPath: String) -> [Double]?
func deserializeValueForKeyPath(keyPath: String) -> [String]?