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Plugin to setup Mongodb accounts for containers deployed to Dokku
Dokku version v0.3.16 or greater.
git clone https://github.com/jeffutter/dokku-mongodb-plugin.git /var/lib/dokku/plugins/mongodb
dokku plugins-install
$ dokku help
mongodb:console Launch an admin mongodb console
mongodb:create <app> <database> Create a Mongo database and optional params for app
mongodb:delete <app> <database> Delete specified Mongo database
mongodb:dump <database> [-tar] Creates a binary export of the contents of database (-tar tarball dump)
mongodb:link <app> <database> Set ENV variables for app if database exists
mongodb:list List all databases
mongodb:logs Show logs from MongoDB program
mongodb:restore <database> <file-or dirname> Restores the state of a database of a database exported with mongodb:dump
mongodb:start Start the MongoDB docker container if it isn't running
mongodb:status Shows status of MongoDB
mongodb:stop Stop the MongoDB docker container
You need to have app running with the same name!
Create a new DB:
$ dokku mongodb:create foo # Server side
$ ssh dokku@server mongodb:create foo # Client side
"_id" : ObjectId("524c90dc45addf0edad783a2"),
"user" : "foo",
"readOnly" : false,
"pwd" : "825ec0deacccb3c6bb621d84153e5877"
Now if you push your app again, you will have the following ENV variables:
These can be found using:
dokku config appname
The Mongo DB data is stored outside the container on the host at $DOKKU_ROOT/.mongodb/data
. Inside the container, this location is bound to /tmp/mongo
and will be there.
Since the data is stored outside the container, it will persistent through container restarts, and also be available to future revisions of your container.
creates a backup of a whole database. The result can be optionally compressed in a gzipped tarball (tar.gz) by adding the -tar
parameter after the database name. The dump is placed in the current directory and named <databasename>-<date and time>
Example: dokku mongodb:dump api-production -tar
can be used to restore dump created with mongodb:dump
(or mongodump
which it uses internally). It can be used with a gzipped dump.
Example: dokku mongodb:restore api-production /path/to/dump/api-production-2015-03-09-16h54-43s.tar.gz
It can also be used with a database dumped to a folder (mongodb:dump
without the -tar
Example: dokku mongodb:restore api-production /path/to/dump/api-production-2015-03-09-16h54-43s/api-production/
This will drop the database and re-create it completely from the dump.