
Shopping-Receipt Backend Code Test

Primary LanguageJava

Pinnacle Code Test

This is a java implementation of the Shopping Receipt Backend Code test, import this project as maven project and play it around.

This program use .csv file as input. product name, price, quantity and location of the purchase are specified in the csv file with the following format:

potato chips,3.99,1,CA

To config the tax rate and product categories, please edit the conf.json

Run Code

To run the program, go to GenerateReceipt.java and run, the program will ask for the input fileName, just type and press enter. Then the program will continue to run and finish the job, finally print the receipt in the console. The following is a sample output.

sample output

Unit Testing and Report

To run the unit testing and generate test report, please run the following command in the home directory of this project

mvn clean test site jacoco:report

Then you find the

  1. junit test report under target/site/index.html
  2. test coverage report under target/site/jacoco/index.html