
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



  • Manager: Jordan Rothwell
  • Frontend Developer: Rachel Harris & Lily Vu
  • Backend Developer: Evan Woods

Links for project:

  • Link to application on Heroku:

User Story:

  • As an artwork developer (e.g. sculpturist, metal work artist, paintist, street artist), I want an application where I can safely display my artwork to interested parties to view.

  • When I sign up to the application, I can safely upload and share my work to interested parties for view.

  • So that I can connect and share my interest for art development with other artwork developers. Also, be able to network and form future collaboration with other artwork developers.

Project Description:

artJacent intends to provide artwork developers a safe place to display their artwork to interested parties for view. Their artwork will only be available to exclusive people, whom have signed up to our application.

It's also an application that will enable artwork developers to network and form collaborations with other people on future projects. E.g. a sculpturist can display their work on artJacent. If an interior designer may of happen to view their work, and is interest in this person's work. artJacent will enable the interior designer to network with the sculpturist.


Art is a forever growing passionate interest, that plays an important role in the aesthetic aspect of our daily life. Our motivation is to provide a place where artwork developers can safely display their work and connect with future collaborators.

Details of our application:

  • Use Node.js and Express.js to create a RESTful API.

  • Use Handlebars.js as the template engine.

  • Use MySQL and the Sequelize ORM for the database.

  • Have both GET and POST routes for retrieving and adding new data.

  • Other npm, libaries, and technology used for this application:

  • Have a folder structure that meets the MVC paradigm.

  • Include authentication (express-session and cookies).

  • Protect API keys and sensitive information with environment variables.



Images for artJACENT:

Local and Interstate Connection

* The aqua coloured lines represents local connections.
* The yellow coloured lines represents interstate connections.
* NOTE: Artwork developers within the same local district would be able to view each others artwork,
  before other artwork developers from farther locations and interstate. 

artJacent in the making

Key Features

  • Responsive.

  • Interactive (i.e., accept and respond to user input).

  • Authentication and security

Future Development

  • Continue to revise and upgrade our security system

  • Create a platform that enables artwork developers to sell their work to interested parties.

  • An option that enables the artwork developer to filter and selectively choose thier viewers

  • Create a platform where artwork developers can work and save their project with their collaborators.