
List Detail Map
Screenshot_20211006-164845 Screenshot_20211006-164851 Screenshot_20211006-164903

This is an app that simply queries the Google Places API based on the location of the user. It will find the first 20 results for "restaurants" within 5000m. It will allow the user to visit a simple Details page that showcases some additional information off including the ability to launch their navigation app of choice to get directions there. Some pleasant bonus features include:

  • The ability to favorite locations
  • A map view showcasing locations of the items on the list screen
  • Keyword search for all your favorite cuisines, like Ethiopian food!
  • Support for light and dark mode

Running the app


If you wish to run the app locally you'll need to take a couple steps.

  • Clone/Fork the repo
  • Obtain a Google API key
  • Add your Google API key to the root level file
    • It should follow the pattern apiKey={your_key}
  • Build and install the application to your device

APK installation

The application should run out of the box if you grab the apk from the releases tab. Be sure to grab the release you care most about. The release may not be production ready but should be tagged as such.

Technical Specs

restraurantFinder uses some of the latest and greatest Android technologies to provider the user a snappy interface and the developer an easier and cleaner implementation.


API calls are made with the help of OkHttp3 and Retrofit2. Successful requests are parsed by Moshi and pushed through to consumers via LiveData.


The app is built on a standard MVVM template with the VM passing LiveData through to a Fragment's viewLifecycleOwner that subsequently update views with the data received. State and Action sealed classes handle the operations of the experience. In the case of MainFragment, we have a RecyclerView powered by the SuggestionAdapter. The Adapter can communicate with the Fragment via a type-aliased ActionHandler.

Beyond the standard views, the application also houses a basic SupportMapFragment. A lightweight model object is passed through the Bundle to allow the MapFragment to avoid any network calls. "Custom" map marker listeners allow the user to navigate to the DetailFragment

Dependency Injection

The PlacesManager (the central networking class) is provided to all ViewModels via Dagger. The PlacesManagerModule will create all the necessary dependencies and open the door for any class that may need to @Inject them.

Data Persistence

One of the features within the application, favorites, is powered almost entirely by a Room database. Dagger provides the Dao to the rest of the project where a simple Repository allows DB interaction. The DB is keyed off of the unique place_id supplied by the service and allows for all screens to determine if an item is a favorite or not. User based updates are immediate and every screen should reflect the proper favorite status when properly implemented.

Dev Tools

Flipper had been a part of the bundle until 10/6 when I started to experience the issue found here. If you would like to try it out on your own, simply add these dependencies to the app's build.gradle:

    debugImplementation 'com.facebook.flipper:flipper:0.113.0'
    debugImplementation 'com.facebook.soloader:soloader:0.10.1'
    releaseImplementation 'com.facebook.flipper:flipper-noop:0.113.0'

and these within onCreate() in MyApp.kt:

        SoLoader.init(this, false)

        if (BuildConfig.DEBUG && FlipperUtils.shouldEnableFlipper(this)) {
            val client = AndroidFlipperClient.getInstance(this)
            val descriptorMapping = DescriptorMapping.withDefaults()
            client.addPlugin(InspectorFlipperPlugin(this, descriptorMapping))


Known Issues

The ongoing list of actionable Issues can be found here. Small bugs will be listed below

  • At times, tapping the Favorite icon within MainFragment is taking the action to show just the favorites in the list. Debugging has proven fruitless...