Loot Layers Playground

An exmaple webapp that uses the Loot Layer method for creating Loot visuals.

Running Locally

For those that know what Node is:

$ npm install
$ npm start

For those that do not know what Node is:

  1. Download this repository
  2. Unzip
  3. Open up Terminal.app
  4. Type cd in the terminal. NOTE - The space after cd is important.
  5. Open the loot-layers-playground folder in Finder.
  6. Click and drag the build directory to the terminal.
  7. Click Enter
  8. Copy and paste into terminal: python3 -m http.server
  9. Go here

Here's a video showing the process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3UDItm82ak

What/where are the examples?

All the examples are in the src/img/ directory.

  • example1 shows the use of Background (character_imgs/bg.png), Foreground (character_imgs/fg.png), and a Full Healm (character_imgs/head/name/full_helm.png). You can see the Full Healm get rendered when you select Bag #8.

  • example2 shows the full layer pack used for Loot Character

  • example3 is a clean slate. All empty pngs. Have fun!