
Black Star Vim Config

Primary LanguageVim Script

BlackStar NeoVim Config


  • Basic configuration without abstractions. Meant to be used as a base and hacked into your own perfect config.
  • Polished Ranger integration for a more traditional netrw/vim-vinegar like project navigation experience.
  • FZF based fuzzy search for project files, project grep, open buffers, and current file find.
  • Space leader based workflow with key reference guide as you type (like Spacemacs/SpaceVim).
  • Fancy start screen
  • Easy ordinal buffer tab navigation with alt+number bindings
  • Easy window navigation with numbered windows and number navigation bindings
  • based buffer management tools
  • Polished autocomplete and language server integration with CoC
  • Multiple Cursors
  • Ctag browser and fuzzy search
  • Popup windows for an extremely polished workflow
  • Robust git integration with both fugitive and lazygit popup integration!
  • No side-bar project explorers! (I consider this a feature rather than an omission)
  • Toggleable Terminal
  • Custom colorscheme throughout the editing and ui elements, with a little extra polishing of javascript, php, and markdown syntax. Inspired by the Lazerwave VSCode theme by Jared Jones: .
  • Heavy use of NerdFont glyphs to enhance ui and editing.

System requirements