
Go RPC Sandbox

Primary LanguageGo


  1. Download latest release of protobuf. (Note: proto/include in this repo is copied from protobuf.)
  2. Install grpc: go get -u google.golang.org/grpc.
  3. Install protoc-gen-go: go get -u github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go.
  4. Regenerate service.pb.go: protoc --proto_path=proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:proto service.proto.
  5. Install gin: go get -u github.com/gin-gonic/gin.


  1. Run server: go run server/main.go.
  2. Run client: go run client/main.go.
  3. Test api endpoints:
    • curl http://localhost:4002/calculate/4/+/2.
    • curl http://localhost:4002/calculate/4/-/2.
    • curl http://localhost:4002/calculate/4/*/2.
    • curl http://localhost:4002/calculate/4/divide/2.
  4. Test errors:
    • curl http://localhost:4002/calculate/4/divide/0 (cannot divide by zero).
    • curl http://localhost:4002/calculate/4/asdf/2 (bad operator).


  • Building an Basic API with gRPC and Protobuf by Tensor Programming (video, repo)
  • Protobuf JSON Mapping (docs).