
Aggressor script that gets the latest commands from CobaltStrikes web site and creates an aggressor script based on tool options.

Primary LanguagePython


Aggressor script that gets the latest commands from CobaltStrikes opsec page and creates an aggressor script based on tool options.

Grabs latest commands from https://www.cobaltstrike.com/help-opsec and sets block/allow based on tool input.

Options of commands to block/allow are:

  • API-only
  • House-keeping Commands
  • Inline Execute (BOF)
  • Post-Exploitation Jobs (Fork&Run)
  • Process Execution
  • Process Execution (cmd.exe)
  • Process Execution (powershell.exe)
  • Process Injection (Remote)
  • Process Injection (Spawn&Inject)
  • Service Creation


Thanks to bluescreenofjeff and _tifkin for the original opsec aggressor scripts. It was more better since it rewrote some of the dropdown options but it hasn't been updated in 4 years, much has changed since then.


usage: get_opsec.py [-h] [-c COMMANDS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c COMMANDS, --commands COMMANDS
                        Beacon commands to enable (comma delimted) Options: API-only House-keeping bof Post-Exploitation cmd.exe powershell.exe remote spawn&inject service


$ python3 get_opsec.py -c API-only,House-keeping,bof,cmd.exe | tee opsec.cna
#TTP: API-only
#configuring the block commands
foreach $key (sorta(keys(%commands))) {
        if (%commands[$key] eq "block") {
                alias($key, {
                        berror($1,"This command's execution has been blocked. Remove the opsec profile to run the command.");

#Adding the opsec command to check the current settings
beacon_command_register("opsec", "Show the settings of the loaded opsec profile",
        "Synopsis: opsec

" .
        "Displays a list of command settings for the currently loaded opsec profile.");

        blog($1,"The current opsec profile has the following commands set to block/block: ");
        foreach $key (sorta(keys(%commands))) {
                blog2($1,$key . " - " . %commands[$key]);