Extractor configuration

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  • The extractor configuration has 3 parts - api, config and cache
  • The api section defines the API behavior such as authentication method, pagination, API's base URI etc
  • The config section should contain actual authentication information (tokens etc), as well as individual endpoints in the jobs section
  • The cache section enables private transparent proxy cache for caching HTTP responses

API Definition

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The most important part of configuration, the API url (should end with a /)

  • Must be either a string or user function (allows custom domains, see examples)



-- OR --

        "api": {
            "function": "concat",
            "args": [
                { "attr": "domain" },
        "config": {
            "domain": "yourDomain"


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Set the retry limit, rate limit reset header and HTTP codes to retry if the API returns an error

  • retryConfig.headerName: (string) Retry-After
    • Name of the header with information when can we access the API again
  • retryConfig.httpCodes: (array) [500, 502, 503, 504, 408, 420, 429]
    • HTTP codes on which to retry
  • retryConfig.curlCodes: (array) [6, 7, 28, 35, 52]
    • CURL error codes on which to retry
  • retryConfig.maxRetries: (int) 10
    • Maximum retry attempts (useful for exponential backoff, if the limit reset header is not present)


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  • Headers required to be set in the config section

  • Should be an array, eg: App-Key,X-User-Email

  • http.headers.{Header-Name} attribute in config section (eg: http.headers.App-Key)

        "api": {
            "http": {
                "requiredHeaders": [
        "config": {
            "http": {
                "headers": {
                    "App-Key": "asdf1234",
                    "X-User-Email": "some@email.com"


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  • Headers to be sent with all requests from all configurations
  • eg: http.headers.Accept-Encoding: gzip


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  • Define the default request options, that will be included in all requests
  • eg: http.defaultOptions.params.queryParameter: value


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  • authentication.type: basic

  • use username and password or #password attributes in the config section.

  • password takes preference over #password, if both are set

        "api": {
            "authentication": {
                "type": "basic"
        "config": {
            "username": "whoever",
            "password": "soSecret"


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  • Supports signature function as a value

  • Values should be described in api section

  • Example bucket attributes:

  • authentication.type: query

  • authentication.query.apiKey: {"attr": "apiKey"}

    • this will look for the apiKey query parameter value in the config attribute named apiKey
  • authentication.query.sig:

        "function": "md5",
        "args": [
                "function": "concat",
                "args": [
                        "attr": "apiKey"
                        "attr": "secret"
                        "function": "time"
    • this will generate a sig parameter value from MD5 of merged configuration table attributes apiKey and secret, followed by current time() at the time of the request (time() being the PHP function)

    • Allowed functions are listed below in the User functions section

    • If you're using any config parameter by using "attr": "parameterName", it has to be identical string to the one in the actual config, including eventual # if KBC Docker's encryption is used.

          "api": {
              "authentication": {
                  "type": "url.query",
                  "query": {
                      "apiKey": {
                          "attr": "apiKey"
                      "sig": {
                          "function": "md5",
                          "args": [
                                  "function": "concat",
                                  "args": [
                                          "attr": "apiKey"
                                          "attr": null
                                          "function": "time"
          "config": {
              "apiKey": "asdf1234"
  • Data available for building the signature:

    • attr: An attribute from config (first level only)
    • query: A value from a query parameter
      • Ex.: { "query": "par1" } will return val1 if the query contains ?par1=val1
    • request: Information about the request
      • Available information:
        • url
        • path
        • queryString
        • method
        • hostname
        • port
        • resource


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  • Log into a web service to obtain a token, which is then used for signing requests

  • authentication.type: login

  • authentication.loginRequest: Describe the request to log into the service

    • endpoint: string (required)
    • params: array
    • method: string: [GET|POST|FORM]
    • headers: array
  • authentication.apiRequest: Defines how to use the result from login

    • headers: Use values from the response in request headers
      • [$headerName => $responsePath]
    • query: Use values from the response in request query
      • [$queryParameter => $responsePath]
  • authentication.expires (optional):

    • If set to an integer, the login action will be performed every n seconds, where n is the value
    • If set to an array, it must contain response key with its value containing the path to expiry time in the response
      • relative key sets whether the expiry value is relative to current time. False by default.

            "api": {
                "authentication": {
                    "type": "login",
                    "loginRequest": {
                        "endpoint": "Security/Login",
                        "headers": {
                            "Content-Type": "application/json"
                        "method": "POST",
                        "params": {
                            "UserName": {
                                "attr": "username"
                            "PassWord": {
                                "attr": "password"
                    "apiRequest": {
                        "headers": {
                            "Ticket": "Ticket"
            "config": {
                "username": "whoever",
                "password": "soSecret"


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  • Use OAuth 1.0 tokens
  • Using OAuth in ex-generic-v2 in KBC currently requires the application to be registered under the API's component ID and cannot be configured in Generic extractor itself

This requires the authorization.oauth_api.credentials object in configuration to contain #data, appKey and #appSecret, where #data must contain a JSON encoded object with oauth_token and oauth_token_secret properties. appKey must contain the consumer key, and #appSecret must contain the consumer secret.

Use Keboola Docker and OAuth API integration to generate the authorization configuration section.

  • authentication.type: oauth10

Example minimum config.json:

    "authorization": {
        "oauth_api": {
            "credentials": {
                "#data": {"oauth_token":"userToken","oauth_token_secret":"tokenSecret"},
                "appKey": 1234,
                "#appSecret": "asdf"
    "parameters": {
        "api": {
            "authentication": {
                "type": "oauth10"


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Uses User functions to use tokens in headers or query. Instead of attr or time parameters, you should use authorization to access the OAuth data. If the data is a raw token string, use authorization: data to access it. If it's a JSON string, use authentication.format: json and access its values isong the . annotation, like in example below (authorization: data.access_token).

The query and request information can also be used just like in the querry authentication method.

  • authentication.type: oauth20

Example config for Bearer token use:

    "authorization": {
        "oauth_api": {
            "credentials": {
                "#data": {"status": "ok","access_token": "testToken"}
    "parameters": {
        "api": {
            "authentication": {
                "type": "oauth20",
                "format": "json",
                "headers": {
                    "Authorization": {
                        "function": "concat",
                        "args": [
                            "Bearer ",
                                "authorization": "data.access_token"

Example for MAC authentication:

  • Assumes the user token is in the OAuth data JSON in access_token key, and MAC secret is in the same JSON in mac_secret key.
    "authorization": {
        "oauth_api": {
            "credentials": {
                "#data": {"status": "ok","access_token": "testToken", "mac_secret": "iAreSoSecret123"},
                "appKey": "clId",
                "#appSecret": "clScrt"
    "parameters": {
        "api": {
            "baseUrl": "http://private-834388-extractormock.apiary-mock.com",
            "authentication": {
                "type": "oauth20",
                "format": "json",
                "headers": {
                    "Authorization": {
                        "function": "concat",
                        "args": [
                            "MAC id=",
                                "authorization": "data.access_token"
                            ", ts=",
                                "authorization": "timestamp"
                            ", nonce=",
                                "authorization": "nonce"
                            ", mac=",
                                "function": "md5",
                                "args": [
                                        "function": "hash_hmac",
                                        "args": [
                                                "function": "implode",
                                                "args": [
                                                            "authorization": "timestamp"
                                                            "authorization": "nonce"
                                                            "request": "method"
                                                            "request": "resource"
                                                            "request": "hostname"
                                                            "request": "port"
                                                "authorization": "data.mac_secret"


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Configured in api.pagination.method

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  • pagination.method: offset

  • pagination.limit: integer

    • If a limit is set in configuration's params field, it will be overriden by its value
    • If the API limits the results count to a lower value than this setting, the scrolling will stop after first page, as it stops once the results count is lower than configured count
  • pagination.limitParam(optional)

    • sets which query parameter should contain the limit value (default to limit)
  • pagination.offsetParam(optional)

    • sets which query parameter should contain the offset value (default to offset)

          "api": {
              "pagination": {
                  "method": "offset",
                  "limit": 1000,
                  "limitParam": "limit",
                  "offsetParam": "offset"
  • pagination.firstPageParams(optional)

    • Whether or not include limit and offset params in the first request (default to true)
  • pagination.offsetFromJob(optional)

    • Use offset specified in job config for first request (false by default)
        "api": {
            "pagination": {
                "method": "offset",
                "limit": 1000,
                "offsetFromJob": true
        "config": {
            "jobs": [
                    "endpoint": "resource",
                    "params": {
                        "offset": 100


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  • pagination.method: response.param

  • pagination.responseParam:

    • path within response that points to a value used for scrolling
    • pagination ends if the value is empty
  • pagination.queryParam:

    • request parameter to set to the value from response
  • pagination.includeParams: false

    • whether params from job configuration are used in next page request
  • pagination.scrollRequest:

    • can be used to override settings (endpoint, method, ...) of the initial request
        "api": {
            "pagination": {
                "method": "response.param",
                "responseParam": "_scroll_id",
                "queryParam": "scroll_id",
                "scrollRequest": {
                    "endpoint": "_search/scroll",
                    "method": "GET",
                    "params": {
                        "scroll": "1m"


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  • pagination.method: response.url

  • pagination.urlKey: next_page

    • path within response object that points to the URL
    • if value of that key is empty, pagination ends
  • pagination.paramIsQuery: false

    • Enable if the response only contains a query string to use with the same endpoint
  • pagination.includeParams: false

    • whether or not to add "params" from the configuration to the URL's query from response
    • if enabled and the next page URL has the same query parameters as the "params" field, values from the "params" are used
        "api": {
            "pagination": {
                "method": "response.url",
                "urlKey": "nextPage",
                "includeParams": true


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simple page number increasing 1 by 1

  • pagination.method: pagenum

  • pagination.pageParam:(optional) page by default

  • pagination.limit:(optional) integer

    • define the page size
    • if limit is omitted, the pagination will end once an empty page is received. Otherwise it stops once the reply contains less entries than the limit.
  • pagination.limitParam:(optional)

    • query parameter name to use for limit
        "api": {
            "pagination": {
                "method": "pagenum",
                "pageParam": "page",
                "limit": 500,
                "limitParam": "count"
  • pagination.firstPage: (optional) 1 by default. Set the first page number.

  • pagination.firstPageParams(optional)

    • Whether or not include limit and page params in the first request (default to true)


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Looks within the response data for an ID which is then used as a parameter for scrolling.

The intention is to look for identifiers within data and in the next request, use a parameter asking for IDs higher than the highest found (or the opposite, lower than the lowest using the reverse parameter)

  • pagination.method: cursor

  • pagination.idKey: (required)

    • Path within response data (ie the array which is parsed into CSV) containing an identifier of each object, which is then used in the next request's query
  • pagination.param: (required)

    • Parameter name in which to pass the value in the next request
  • pagination.increment: (optional) integer

    • A number by which to increment the highest(/lowest) found value.
    • Can be a negative number, ie if the lowest ID in data is 10, and increment is set to -1, the next request parameter value will be 9
  • pagination.reverse: (optional) bool, false by default

    • If set to true, the scroller will look for the lowest number instead of the highest(default)
  • Example:

        "pagination": {
            "method": "cursor",
            "idKey": "id",
            "param": "max_id",
            "increment": -1,
            "reverse": true
  • Data:

        "results": [
            {"id": 11},
            {"id": 12}
  • Request:



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Allows setting scrollers per endpoint.

  • pagination.method: multiple

  • pagination.default: (optional)

    • Set a default scroller to use, if none is specified for the endpoint (if not set, no scrolling is used)
  • pagination.scrollers: (required)

    • An object where each item represents one of the supported scrollers with their respective configuration
    • The key of each item is then used as identifier for the scroller and must be used in the scroller parameter of a job
  • Example configuration:

    "pagination": {
        "method": "multiple",
        "scrollers": {
            "param_next_cursor": {
                "method": "response.param"
            "param_next_results": {
                "method": "response.param"
            "cursor_timeline": {
                "method": "cursor",
                "idKey": "id",
                "param": "max_id",
                "reverse": true,
                "increment": -1
    "jobs": [
            "endpoint": "statuses/user_timeline",
            "scroller": "cursor_timeline"
            "endpoint": "search",
            "scroller": "param_next_results",
            "params": {
                "q": "...(twitter search query)"

Common scrolling parameters


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Looks within responses to find a boolean field determining whether to continue scrolling or not.


    "pagination": {
        "nextPageFlag": {
            "field": "hasMore",
            "stopOn": false,
            "ifNotSet": false



  • The extractor loads start time of its previous execution into its metadata. This can then be used in user functions as time: previousStart.
  • Current execution start is also available at time: currentStart.
  • This can be used to create incremental exports with minimal overlap, using for example [start_time: [time: previousStart], end_time: [time: currentStart]]
  • It is advised to use both previousStart and currentStart as since>until pair to ensure no gap and no overlap in data.
  • Both values are stored as Unix timestamp. date function can be used to reformat it.

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Attributes must be configured accordingly to the api configuration (eg auth, pagination, http.requiredHeaders). They are under the config section of the configuration. (see example below)

  • outputBucket: Name of the bucket to store the output data

  • id: Optional, if outputBucket is set. Otherwise the id is used to generate the output bucket name

  • debug: If set to true, the extractor will output detailed information about it's run, including all API requests. Warning, this may reveal your tokens or other sensitive data in the events in your project! It is intended only to help solving issues with configuration.

  • userData: A set of key:value pairs that will be added to the root of all endpoints' results

    • Example:
    "config": {
        "userData": {
            "some": "tag",
            "another": "identifier"
  • incrementalOutput: (boolean) Whether or not to write the result incrementally

    • Example:
    "config": {
        "incrementalOutput": true


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  • Columns:
    • endpoint (required): The API endpoint

    • params: Query/POST parameters of the api call, JSON encoded

      • Each parameter in the JSON encoded object may either contain a string, eg: {""start_date"": ""2014-12-26""}
      • OR contain an user function as described below, for example to load value from parameters:
      "start_date": {
          "function": "date",
          "args": [
                  "function": "strtotime",
                  "args": [
                          "attr": "job.1.success"
    • dataType: Type of data returned by the endpoint. It also describes a table name, where the results will be stored

    • dataField: Allows to override which field of the response will be exported.

      • If there's multiple arrays in the response "root" the extractor may not know which array to export and fail
      • If the response is an array, the whole response is used by default
      • If there's no array within the root, the path to response data must be specified in dataField
      • Can contain a path to nested value, dot separater (eg result.results.products)
      • dataField can also be an object containing path
    • children: Array of child jobs that use the jobs' results to iterate

      • The endpoint must use a placeholder enclosed in {}

      • The placeholder can be prefixed by a number, that refers to higher level of nesting. By default, data from direct parent are used. The direct parent can be referred as {id} or {1:id}. A "grandparent" result would then be {2:id} etc.

      • Results in the child table will contain column(s) containing parent data used in the placeholder(s), prefixed by parent_. For example, if your placeholder is {ticket_id}, a column parent_ticket_id containing the value of current iteration will be appended to each row.

      • placeholders array must define each placeholder. It must be a set of key: value pairs, where key is the placeholder (eg "1:id") and the value is a path within the response object - if nested, use . as a separator.

        • Example:
        "endpoint": "tickets.json",
        "children": [
                "endpoint": "tickets/{id}/comments.json",
                "placeholders": {
                    "id": "id"
                "children": [
                        "endpoint": "tickets/{2:ticket_id}/comments/{comment_id}/details.json",
                        "placeholders": {
                            "comment_id": "id",
                            "2:ticket_id": "id"
        • You can also use an user function on the value from a parent using an object as the placeholder value
        • That object MUST contain a 'path' key that would be the value of the placeholer, and a function. To access the value in the function arguments, use {"placeholder": "value"}
          • Example:
          "placeholders": {
              "1:id": {
                  "path": "id",
                  "function": "urlencode",
                  "args": [
                          "placeholder": "value"
      • recursionFilter:

        • Can contain a value consisting of a name of a field from the parent's response, logical operator and a value to compare against. Supported operators are "==", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "!="
        • Example: type!=employee or product.value>150
        • The filter is whitespace sensitive, therefore value == 100 will look into value␣ for a ␣100 value, instead of value and 100 as likely desired.
        • Further documentation can be found at https://github.com/keboola/php-filter
    • method: GET (default), POST or FORM

    • responseFilter: Allows filtering data from API response to leave them from being parsed.

      • Filtered data will be imported as a JSON encoded string.
      • Value of this parameter can be either a string containing path to data to be filtered within response data, or an array of such values.
      • Example:
      "results": [
              "id": 1,
              "data": "scalar"
              "id": 2,
              "data": {"object": "can't really parse this!"}
      • To be able to work with such response, set "responseFilter": "data" - it should be a path within each object of the response array, not including the key of the response array
      • To filter values within nested arrays, use "responseFilter": "data.array[].key"
      • Example:
      "results": [
              "id": 1,
              "data": {
                  "array": [
                          "key": "value"
                          "key": {"another": "value"}
      • This would be another unparseable object, so the filter above would just convert the { 'another': 'value' } object to a string
      • To filter an entire array, use array as the value for responseFilter. To filter each array item individually, use array[].
    • responseFilterDelimiter: Allows changing delimiter if you need nesting in responseFilter, for instance if your data contains keys containing ., which is the default delimiter.

      • Example:
      "results": [
              "data.stuff": {
                  "something": [1,2,3]
      • Use 'responseFilter': 'data.stuff/something' together with 'responseFilterDelimiter': '/' to filter the array in something


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mappings attribute can be used to force the extractor to map the response into columns in a CSV file as described in the JSON to CSV Mapper documentation. Each property in the mappings object must follow the mapper settings, where the key is the dataType of a job. Note that if a dataType is not set, it is generated from the endpoint and might be confusing if ommited.

If there's no mapping for a dataType, the standard JSON parser processes the result.

In a recursive job, the placeholer prepended by parent_ is available as type: user to link the child to a parent. See example below:


"jobs": [
    "endpoint": "orgs/keboola/repos",
    "dataType": "repos",
    "children": [
        "endpoint": "repos/keboola/{1:name}/issues",
        "placeholders": {
        "1:name": "name"
        "dataType": "issues"

Mappings (of the child):

  "mappings": {
    "issues": {
      "parent_name": {
        "type": "user",
        "mapping": {
          "destination": "repo_name"
      "title": {
        "mapping": {
          "destination": "title"
      "id": {
        "mapping": {
          "destination": "id",
          "primaryKey": true,
          "propertyOrder": 1

The parent_name is the parent_ prefix together with the value of placeholder 1:name.


  "mappings": {
    "get": {
      "id": {
        "mapping": {
          "destination": "id",
          "primaryKey": true
      "status": {
        "mapping": {
          "destination": "st"
  "jobs": [
      "endpoint": "basic",
      "dataType": "get"


The configuration can be run multiple times with some (or all) values in config section being overwritten. For example, you can run the same configuration for multiple accounts, overriding values of the authentication settings.


  • If you use userData in iterations, make sure they all contain the same set of keys!
  • Overriding incrementalOutput will only use the setting from the last iteration that writes to each outputBucket


This way you can download the same data from two different accounts into a single output table, adding the owner column to help you recognize which iteration of the config brought in each row in the result.

    "api": {
        "baseUrl": "http://example.com/api",
        "authentication": {
            "type": "basic"
    "config": {
        "outputBucket": "bunchOfResults",
        "jobs": [
                "endpoint": "data"
    "iterations": [
            "username": "chose",
            "password": "potato",
            "userData": {
                "owner": "Chose's results"
            "username": "joann",
            "password": "beer",
            "userData": {
                "owner": "Joann's results"

User functions

Can currently be used in query type authentication or endpoint parameters

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Allowed functions

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  • md5: Generate a md5 key from its argument value
  • sha1: Generate a sha1 key from its argument value
  • time: Return time from the beginning of the unix epoch in seconds (1.1.1970)
  • date: Return date in a specified format
  • strtotime: Convert a date string to number of seconds from the beginning of the unix epoch
  • base64_encode
  • hash_hmac: See PHP documentation
  • sprintf: See PHP documentation
  • concat: Concatenate its arguments into a single string
  • implode: Concatenate an array from the second argument, using glue string from the first arg
  • ifempty: Return first argument if is not empty, otherwise return second argument


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The function must be specified in JSON format, which may contain one of the following 4 objects:

  • String: "something"

  • Function: One of the allowed functions above

    • Example (this will return current date in this format: 2014-12-08+09:38:

      "function": "date",
    • Example with a nested function (will return a date in the same format from 3 days ago):

      "function": "date",
              "function": "strtotime",
              "args": [
                  "3 days ago"
  • Config Attribute: "attr": "attributeName" or "attr": "nested.attribute.name"

  • Metadata: time: previousStart or time: currentStart - only useable in job params.

  • Query parameter: TODO

Example configuration

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    "parameters": {
        "api": {
            "baseUrl": {
                "function": "concat",
                "args": [
                        "attr": "domain"
            "authentication": {
                "type": "basic"
            "pagination": {
                "method": "response.url"
            "name": "zendesk"
        "config": {
            "id": "test_docker",
            "domain": "yours",
            "username": "you@wish.com/token",
            "password": "ohIdkSrsly",
            "jobs": [
                    "endpoint": "exports/tickets.json",
                    "params": {
                        "start_time": {
                            "time": "previousStart"
                        "end_time": {
                            "function": "strtotime",
                            "args": [
                                "2015-07-20 00:00"
                    "dataType": "tickets_export",
                    "dataField": "",
                    "children": [
                            "endpoint": "tickets/{id}/comments.json",
                            "recursionFilter": "status!=Deleted",
                            "dataType": "comments",
                            "placeholders": {
                                "id": "id"
                    "endpoint": "users.json",
                    "params": {},
                    "dataType": "users",
                    "dataField": ""
                    "endpoint": "tickets.json",
                    "params": {},
                    "dataType": "tickets",
                    "dataField": ""


Use private proxy cache for HTTP responses. This is useful for local jobs configuration development.

Enabling cache:

"parameters": {
    "api": "...",
    "config": "...",
    "cache": true
  • Caches only responses with one of [200, 203, 300, 301, 410] HTTP Status codes
  • Cache TTL
    • Count time from Cache-Control and Expires reponse headers.
    • If counted value is null, extractor will use own default value (30 days)
    • Default ttl value can be overridden by custom config value (time in seconds)
"parameters": {
    "api": "...",
    "config": "...",
    "cache": {
        "ttl": 3600

Local development

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Best way to create and test new configurations is run extractor in docker container.


  • Clone this repository git clone https://github.com/keboola/generic-extractor.git
  • Switch to extractor directory cd generic-extractor
  • Build container docker-compose build
  • Install dependencies locally docker-compose run --rm dev composer install
  • Create data folder for configuration mkdir data


  • Create config.json in data folder

    Sample configuration which downloads list of Keboola Developers from githhub data/config.json:

      "parameters": {
        "api": {
          "baseUrl": "https://api.github.com",
          "http": {
            "Accept": "application/json",
            "Content-Type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
        "config": {
          "debug": true,
          "jobs": [
              "endpoint": "/orgs/keboola/members",
              "dataType": "members"
  • Run extraction docker-compose run --rm dev

  • You will find extracted data in folder data/out

  • Clear data/out by running docker-compose run --rm dev rm -rf data/out

  • Repeat :)

Running tests:

docker-compose run --rm tests

or (with local source code and vendor copy)

docker-compose run --rm tests-local