
Get started with typescript katas

Primary LanguageShell

Kata initializer

This repository is a simple way of getting started with katas in typescript, in order to create a new project you can run the script ./src/new-kata.sh [NAME_OF_THE_PROJECT] and it will create a project for you to start coding.



You will need to have yarn installed npm install --global yarn.

    ├─ node_modules
    ├─ src/
    ├─ test/
    │  ├─ aceptance/
    │  ├─ unit/
    ├─ package.json
    ├─ jest.config.js
    └─ yarn.lock

To run the tests you need to run yarn jest and it will run for all files that have the format *.test.ts


You will need to have go installed, you can find the installation page here.

    ├─ cmd/
    ├─ pkg/
    ├─ internal/
    ├─ vendor/
    │  ├─ modules.txt
    └─ go.mod
        └─ go.sum

to read more about this project layout please reference this.

to run the tests you need to run go test ./... and it will run for all files that have the format *_test.go and only for the functions that have a format name of Test*