
The serverless backend for Captains Log

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The serverless backend for captainslog.xyz.

About this Project

captains-log-api is a serverless REST API. Along with the captains-log-frontend, it lets authenticated users keep a personal diary in the cloud.

I started this project as a personal experiment using NextJS with a serverless backend. This backend part was bootstrapped with Create Serverless Stack. It specifies infrastructure as code, leveraging the sst-cli tool to create all the resources it needs on AWS. The CRUD endpoints are all powered by lambda functions (see /src/). Diary entries are stored in a DynamoDB table, and user's uploads are stored in S3.

Make your own version

You easily can deploy your own copy of this api.

Start by installing the dependencies. npm install


npm run start

Starts the local Lambda development environment.

npm run build

Build your app and synthesize your stacks.

Generates a .build/ directory with the compiled files and a .build/cdk.out/ directory with the synthesized CloudFormation stacks.

npm run deploy [stack]

Deploy all your stacks to AWS. Or optionally deploy, a specific stack.

npm run remove [stack]

Remove all your stacks and all of their resources from AWS. Or optionally removes, a specific stack (e.g. npx sst remove --stage prod)

npm run test

Runs your tests using Jest. Takes all the Jest CLI options.