The bNMF procedure, as applied here, is used to detect clusters of GWAS variants for some outcome of interest based on the associations of those variants with a set of additional traits. This pipeline includes pre-processing steps (such as quality control of variants and traits and the choice of proxy variants), preparation of the z-score matrix, clustering, and summarization of results.
Important: The current pipeline makes certain assumptions and uses some hard-coded filenames, including:
- "VAR_ID"s for GWAS and trait-specific summary statistics are in a specific format (CHR_POS_REF_ALT), with alleles aligned in a consistent way across traits (i.e. variant matching is performed using a simple string match).
- The variant reference file linking VAR_IDs to rsIDs is based on the VAR_ID format above, and points to a file available on the Broad Institute compute cluster. The VAR_ID to rsID pairs can be generated using the script "generate_varid_to_rsid_map_file.R"
The pipeline relies APIs for performing several linkage disequilibrium (LD)-based operations, including LD-pruning and proxy variant searches. The user must either acquire an personal token for LDlinkR or download the topLD API, depending on how they wish to perform these steps:
- LDlinkR: request token from
- LDlinkR is used within the ld_prune and choose_proxies functions. Alternatives include performing position-based clumping using the snp_clump function, and using the topLD API option for choose_proxies
- topLD: download API to your project folder (instructions here:
- Note that topLD is currently not compatible with macOS.
ld_prune: LD-based pruning of the input variant set
snp_clip: Alternative to ld_prune; uses chromosomal position to prune variant set
count_traits_per_variant: Assess the fraction of traits missing each variant of interest
find_variants_needing_proxies: Determine which variants need proxies (allele considerations, missingness, etc.)
choose_proxies: Select proxies for the necessary variants and output the final variant set for clustering
fetch_summary_stats: Retrieve z-scores and sample sizes across all traits for the final variant set fill_missing_zcores: Fill missing values in the variant-trait association matrix prep_z_matrix: Final trait filters, sample size adjustment, and creation of non-negative input matrix (N (variants) x 2M (traits), with separate columns for positive trait associations (zero otherwise) and negative trait associations)
run_bNMF: Run the bNMF procedure (over multiple iterations)
summarize_bNMF: Summarize the results and create heatmaps for visualization
format_bNMF_results.Rmd: Generates a HTML file which includes several plots and tables which summarize the cluster results
- also included is a calculation for finding an optimal weight threshold for defining cluster-defining variants and traits
Most steps of the pipeline will print messages with details of the procedure. In addition, the following outputs will be written to the working directory.
- no_proxies_found.txt: A list of variants that were excluded and for which no acceptable proxies were found.
- run_summary.txt: A table listing the chosen K (# of clusters) and negative log-likelihood for each bNMF iteration.
- z_score_mat.rds: A binary R object containing the N x M z-score matrix after all preprocessing steps.
- L2EU.W.mat.K[]: The matrix of feature contributions to clusters for the K in question (one per K chosen in at least one iteration).
- L2EU.H.mat.K[]: The matrix of variant contributions to clusters for the K in question.
- W_plot_K[].pdf: A heatmap displaying feature contributions to clusters for the K in question.
- H_plot_K[].pdf: A heatmap displaying variant contributions to clusters for the K in question.
- Claire Kim (design and code)
- Kenny Westerman (design and code)
- Kirk Smith (code)
- Jaegil Kim (code)
- Marcin von Grotthuss (code)
- Miriam Udler (design and supervision)