
Primary LanguageJavaScript

ScreepsPlus node agent

NPM info

Circle CI


Node.js 8+



  1. Token from ScreepsPl.us
  2. Screeps Login info
  3. Node + NPM

Google Compute Engine

Bonzaiferroni has written a nice guide for setting up on the Google Compute Engine free tier, check it out here


npm install -g screepsplus-agent


  1. Download
  2. Configure with config.js
  3. npm install
  4. node app.js


To use with docker, just do the following: With Config:

docker run -d -v $(pwd):/config --restart=unless-stopped screepsplus-agent

With CLI: (See Config section below for full argument list)

docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped screepsplus-agent --token <screepsToken> --sptoken <screepsPlusToken>

or build your own image:

docker build -t screepsplus-agent .
docker run -d -v $(pwd):/config/ --restart=always screepsplus-agent


A docker-compose.yml is included.


Config is done via a config file or cli arguments. On start it will search for configs in several locations:

  • Manually Specified via ENV variable (AGENT_CONFIG_PATH)
  • App directory (config.js)
  • Home directory (~/.screepsplus-agent) (Mac, Linux)
  • Etc directory (/etc/screepsplus-agent/config.js) (Mac, Linux)
  • App Data (%APPDATA%/screepsplus-agent/config.js) (Windows)

On windows, it will write a sample config to appdata if no config is found.

All CLI options override the matching config option CLI Usage:

  Usage: app [options]


    -V, --version              output the version number
    -u, --username <username>  Private Server Username
    -p, --password <password>  Private Server Password
    -t, --token <token>        Screeps Auth Token
    -s, --segment <id>         Use Segment ID for stats
    -m, --memory               Use Memory for stats (default)
    -c, --console              Use console for stats
    -a, --sptoken <token>      ScreepsPl.us token
    --host <host>              Private Server host and port (ex: host:port)
    --https                    Use HTTPS for Private Server
    --no-updatecheck           Skip check for updates
    -v                         Verbose
    -h, --help                 output usage information

It also possible to use the console to output stats, just set method to console in config.js or pass --console on the CLI and use console.log('STATS;'+formattedStats)

For this to work, type based format is REQUIRED

NOTE: you should use ';' instead of newLine ("\n") as a delimiter

Stat formats supported by ScreepsPl.us:

Memory.stats object

The usual grafana data format

  rooms: {

Type based format

This is a more advanced system that allows you to send raw stats pre-formatted. There should always be a 3 line header,


followed by the raw stat data

For ScreepsPl.us, type can be one of 3 values: 'text/grafana' 'text/influxdb' 'application/json'

Where application/json inserts into graphite.

text/grafana Format

1 stat per line: stat value

EX: room.W0N0.level 5

text/influxdb Format

1 stat per line: stat[,tag1=value,tag2=value,...] key=value[,key=value,...]

EX: room,name=W0N0 level=5,energy=300,energyCapacity=300

NOTE: as of this writing this README, influxdb support is enabled, but cannot be accessed without requesting influxdb credentials