This is a project for COMS E6998-9: Software Security and Exploitation.
I have created a simple mutation-based file fuzzer for Mac. It is a work in progress and is not fully functional.
python -a ./path/to/executable -f ./path/to/file -t ./path/to/directory/for/test/files [options]
-a: Path to Application Executable
-f: File to seed the Fuzzness
-t: Directory to put the test cases (defaults to ./test/)
-c: Number of test cases to run (defaults to 75)
-T: wait time between trials (default is 5 seconds)
-v: Verbose
-h: Help page
Ex: python -a '/Applications/'
-f '/Users/username/Desktop/fuzzypsd.psd' -t '/Users/username/Desktop/fuzz2 -c 50 -T 3 -v
See report for more details.