
This is a repository of links I have found helpful.

Developer Blogs

New York Times


No Code? No Problem - Writing Tests in Plain English - https://open.nytimes.com/no-code-no-problem-writing-tests-in-plain-english-537827eaaa6e

Discusses the benefits of BDD:

  • easier reporting
  • makes code easier more accessible to non-developers

Compose from first principals


A look at how to build an compose-like API from the ground up. It has a look at how to flatten a tree into an array-like data structure and how positional memoization works.

Youtube Videos

Helpful Stackoverflow answers

Making pull requests easier to review while practicing XP and refactoring https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/380925/making-pull-requests-easier-to-review-while-practicing-xp-and-refactoring

Key take aways:

  • Create sensible commits that can be used to view changes
  • Stick on topic, don't delve too deep and refactor legacy code



Lamenting the state of development

Joining a Company