hard-coded with corrections and performance hacks for replicating Pekar '22

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

The original GEMF implementation in C was developed by Futing Fan, Copyright (c) 2016. It has since been updated by me, Niema Moshiri.

GEMF_FAVITES.py: User-friendly Epidemic Simulation

In 2022, I developed GEMF_FAVITES.py, a user-friendly Python wrapper to enable researchers to design and execute FAVITES epidemic simulations using GEMF.


The GEMF tool is written in C and has no dependencies beyond a modern C++ compiler (and make for convenience). You can simply download the latest release tarball (or clone the repo) and compile with make:

git clone https://github.com/niemasd/GEMF.git
sudo mv GEMF /usr/local/bin/ # optional step to install globally

The GEMF_FAVITES.py tool is written in Python 3 and has no dependencies. You can simply download GEMF_FAVITES.py to your machine and make it executable.

wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/niemasd/GEMF/master/GEMF_FAVITES.py"
chmod a+x GEMF_FAVITES.py
sudo mv GEMF_FAVITES.py /usr/local/bin/ # optional step to install globally


                       [--max_events MAX_EVENTS] [--output_all_transitions] [--quiet] [--rng_seed RNG_SEED] [--gemf_path GEMF_PATH]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                                              show this help message and exit
  -c CONTACT_NETWORK, --contact_network CONTACT_NETWORK   Contact Network (TSV)
  -s INITIAL_STATES, --initial_states INITIAL_STATES      Initial States (TSV)
  -i INFECTED_STATES, --infected_states INFECTED_STATES   Infected States (one per line)
  -r RATES, --rates RATES                                 State Transition Rates (TSV)
  -t END_TIME, --end_time END_TIME                        End Time
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT                              Output Directory
  --max_events MAX_EVENTS                                 Max Number of Events (default: 4294967295)
  --output_all_transitions                                Output All Transition Events (slower) (default: False)
  --quiet                                                 Suppress log messages (default: False)
  --rng_seed RNG_SEED                                     Random Number Generation Seed (default: None)
  --gemf_path GEMF_PATH                                   Path to GEMF Executable (default: GEMF)

Input File Formats

Example files to execute a simulation using GEMF_FAVITES.py can be found in the example directory. There are 4 key files needed to execute GEMF_FAVITES.py: a contact network, an "initial states" file, an "infected states" file, and a "state transition rates" file.

Contact Network

GEMF_FAVITES.py uses FAVITES contact network file format, which is the same format output by NiemaGraphGen; note that <TAB> is referring to a single tab character (i.e., '\t'):

#NODE<TAB>label<TAB>attributes (csv or .)
#EDGE<TAB>u<TAB>v<TAB>attributes (csv or .)<TAB>(d)irected or (u)ndirected


Initial States

[GEMF_FAVITES.py] expects the user to provide the initial states of all individuals in the contact network (i.e., the transmission model state of each person at time 0 of the simulation) as a TSV file with two columns: (1) the individual's name, and (2) the individual's initial state. For example, in a hypothetical SEIR model using the contact network above with 1 individual in state I (Infectious) and 2 individuals in state S (Susceptible); note that <TAB> is referring to a single tab character (i.e., '\t'):


Infected States

The "infected states" file is one of two files required to define the transmission model. It is simply a list of states in which individuals are considered to be "infected" (one per line). For example, in a hypothetical SEIR model in which states E (Exposed) and I (Infectious) are considered to be "infected" states:


State Transition Rates

The last file, which is the key file for defining the transmission model, is the "state transitions rate" model, which is a TSV file. Each row denotes a single possible state transition, and the TSV has 4 columns: (1) the "from" state, (2) the "to" state, (3) the "by" (or "inducer") state, and (4) the Poisson rate. To designate "no inducer" (i.e., a nodal transition), the "by" (or "inducer") state in column 3 can be None. For example, in a hypothetical SEIR model with the following possible state transitions:

  • Individuals transition from state S (Susceptible) to state E (Exposed) when infected (i.e., induced) by neighbors in state I (Infectious)
  • Individuals transition from state E (Exposed) to state I (Infectious) on their own (i.e., a nodal transition)
  • Individuals transition from state I (Infectious) to state R (Recovered) on their own (i.e., a nodal transition)

We could define the following; note that <TAB> is referring to a single tab character (i.e., '\t'):


Note that, for a given individual u, a nodal transition (i.e., rows in which the "by" state in column 3 is None) is a Poisson process whose rate is the value in column 4, but an edge-based transition (i.e., rows in which the "by" state in column 3 is s != None) is a Poisson process whose rate is the number of neighbors of u who are in state s multiplied by the value in column 4. In the example above, an individual in state E will always transition to state I via a Poisson process with rate 4, but an individual in state S will transition to state E via a Poisson process with rate 2 * number of neighbors in state I.

Output File Formats

There are a few key files in the output directory created by GEMF_FAVITES.py.

Intermediate GEMF Files

In order to run the GEMF executable to simulate the transmission network, the GEMF_FAVITES.py script parses the user input and converts it into a format for use with GEMF:

  • node2num.txt: A JSON-format mapping of input contact network node labels to internal GEMF node numbers
  • state2num.txt: A JSON-format mapping of input transmission model state labels to internal GEMF state numbers
  • network.txt: The GEMF-format contact network
  • status.txt: The GEMF-format initial states
  • para.txt: The GEMF parameter file
  • output.txt: The raw GEMF output file
  • log.txt: The GEMF log file

Transmission Network

The main output of GEMF_FAVITES.py is the simulated transmission network, transmission_network.txt, which is in the FAVITES transmission network file format; note that <TAB> is referring to a single tab character (i.e., '\t'):


All State Transitions (optional)

If you run GEMF_FAVITES.py with the --output_all_transitions flag, all state transitions will be output to a file called all_state_transitions.txt, which is a TSV file with four columns: (1) the individual's name, (2) the individual's state before the transition, (3) the individual's state after the transition, and (4) the time of the transition (None denotes "no previous state").