
Lets you have your current running music from your player right in your tmux status line (or polybar, etc.). Also provides options that can be easily mapped to interact with your music player. (Written for spotify use on linux)

Primary LanguageRust


Useful for those who live in TMUX (or those with window tiling mangers, polybar users, etc.) and want to see their current playing track, artist, or both.

In addition to this, can be used for interacting with the player to do things like skip to the next song, adjust the volume, or pause/play.

This script is intended for use with spotify, but seems to work fine with other audio players I've tested.


Build the binary

  1. Pull the repository git pull https://github.com/jordanvanallen/tmux_player
  2. cd into the project cd tmux_player
  3. Build a release binary cargo build --release
  4. Copy the release binary to a directory in your $PATH cp ./target/release/tmux_spotify somewhere/in/your/path

Tmux status line

  1. Add the function to your Tmux status line with something like set -g status-right "#(tmux_player both) | %Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
  • (You can also use either #(tmux_player artist) or #(tmux_player song) for just the artist or song respectively)

Interact with audio player

  • Pause/Play your audio player using tmux_player pause_play
  • Skip to the next song using tmux_player next
  • Go back to the previous song by using tmux_player previous

Volume adjustment and fetching

  • Get the current audio level of your player (as a percentage) using tmux_player get_volume
  • Raise the volume by 5% using tmux_player raise_volume
  • Lower the volume by 5% using tmux_player lower_volume