
CCB integration for WP Church Center

Primary LanguagePHP

=== WP Church Center: CCB Addon ===
Contributors: jordesign, wpchurchteam
Requires at least: 4.7
Tested up to: 4.9.4
Stable tag: 1.0
License: GPL2

== Description ==
This plugin is an addon for WP Church Center. It allows user to sync 'Group' and 'Event' data with Church Community Builder and then display the content in cards.

== Installation ==
1). Download the plugin

2). Install the plugin by either:
extracting the .zip file and uploading the entire wp-church-center folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory of our web server.
go to Plugins > Add New in the WordPress Admin and upload the .zip file.
(You'll need at least v1.2.10 of WP Church Center to use this Addon).

3). Activate the Plugin. There should now be a 'CCB Content' Menu item under the 'Church Center' item in the main menu.

4). On the 'CCB Content' page - enter your CCB details. You'll need to know your 'subdomain' and also sign up (within CCB) for an API user to be able to sync the content. You can test the detail to make sure they work - and then save them.

5). On the 'sync' tab you can tell the plugin to import all your events and groups from CCB. You'll then be able to see them on the 'Groups' and 'Events' tabs.

6). When adding a card to your WPPC Center - you'll now be able to select CCB Content as a card type. You'll then receive additional options to pick which sort of content to display. (In this early beta release only event cards are supported).

== Changelog ==

v1.0b Beta release of core plugin for testing