Web server to:
- Store data from IoT devices in format
The data has two kind of objects releated:
* Object key: has all the attributes to descript an object, only exists
one object for each array of values
* Object value: has the reference of the description object, and all the
values in a given date time and the date time
- Create data triggers to send alerts
The web server expose REST methods to manage keys and values.
Methods to manage key objects [GET|POST|PUT|DELETE]. The URL is /key/ A key object is an object that can have a collection of values and can belong to an other key object in an hierarchy of key objects. A key object must have the following mandatory attributes:
name: default value string empty
description: default value string empty
- code: code of the measure unit of the key (ex: m, kg, l, cm, ...), default value string empty
- description: description of the measure unit (ex: meter, kilogram, liter, ...), default value string empty
parentKey: id of the parent key, if does not has a parent key the value is string empty
- Ex: Get a key
Request: [GET] /key/198O3JLKEDJE1312 Response: 200, { id: "198O3JLKEDJE1312", name: "", description: "", unit: { code: "", description: "" }, parentkey: "" }
- Ex: Post a key
Request: [POST] /key Data: { name: "", description: "", unit: { code: "", description: "" }, parentKey: ""} Response: 200, { id: "198O3JLKEDJE1313", name: "", description: "", unit: { code: "", description: "" } parentkey: "" }
- Ex: Get a key
Methods to manage value objects [GET|POST|PUT|DELETE] A value object must have the following mandatory attributes:
key: id of the key
/key//value/ [GET|POST|PUT|DELETE]:
- Ex: Gets all the values from a key
Request: [GET] /key/198O3JLKEDJE1312/value Response: 200, { id: "198O3JLKEDJE1312", name: "", description: "", unit: { code: "", description: "" }, parentkey: "" values: [ { id: "198O3JLKEDJE1313", value: "123.567", timestamp: "" } ... ] }
- Ex: Get a value from a key
Request: [GET] /key/198O3JLKEDJE1312/value/20934rjñlkqwdjfwq4 Response: 200, { id: "198O3JLKEDJE1312", name: "", description: "", unit: { code: "", description: "" }, parentkey: "" value: { id: "198O3JLKEDJE1313", value: "123.567", timestamp: "" } }
- Ex: Posts a new value
Request: [POST] /key/198O3JLKEDJE1312/value Data: { value: 123.567 } Response: If the node id exists and the value field exists: 200, { id: "198O3JLKEDJE1312", value: "123.567", timestamp: "", key: "198O3JLKEDJE1312" }
This client has to do the following tasks:
- Control that the water depot has enough water, if not stop irrigate plants and send message
- Water the plants according to some time table
The client needs to be configured before start with the following values:
- Wifi and password
- Internet-of-Things web server address, user and password
- Email server to send alerts
- Angle of the ultrasonic sensor from vertical
This client is build with:
- 1 Weemos D1 mini V2 with
- 1 ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 to control the depot water level
- 1 rele to activate the water bomb
The main control loop will do:
- Read the depot water level
- Post the water level to the web server
- If the water level is not between the safe range
- Stop the water bomb acting over the rele
- Post the rele value to the web server
- Send a message to alert
- Post the send message to the web server
- Else
- Check the time table and if its time to start watering open the relé o if its time to stop watering close the rele
- Post the rele value to the web server
- Send a message to inform start or stop watering
- Post the send message to the web server
- Sleep some seconds
Basat en el post: http://blog.mgechev.com/2014/02/19/create-https-tls-ssl-application-with-express-nodejs/ Instalem els paquetes HTTPS y FS, per implementar el servidor SSL i poder llegir els fitxers de certificats.
$ npm install --save https
$ npm install --save fs
Editem el fitxer "/bin/www", comentem:
* Create HTTP server.
//var server = http.createServer(app);
var https = require('https');
var fs = require('fs');
* Create HTTPS server.
var server = https.createServer(
key: fs.readFileSync('ssl/key.pem'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('ssl/cert.crt')
Creem els certificats i els copiem a la carpeta "/ssl":
$ openssl genrsa -out key.pem \2048
$ openssl req -new -key key.pem -out csr.pem -subj "/C=<coutry code>/ST=<state>/L=<city>/O=<organization name>/OU=<organization unit> demo/CN=localhost"
$ openssl x509 -req -days 9999 -in csr.pem -signkey key.pem -out cert.crt
$ cp cert.crt /ssl
$ cp key.pem /ssl
En els fitxers de test frisby afegim la sentència següent per que no fallin en ser no confiable el certificat:
// Include this line at the beginning of your firsby test. This will direct non-rejection of SSL cert